Vlog #188 | Hiding feelings part 6

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y/n pov

"oh my god! get off of me!" i shouted getting annoyed by this lady that keeps on twerking on my crouch while we're all trying to have a great time in the dance floor of this nightclub

she just started doing it closer making me frown my brows and just walk away grabbing a bottle from our table and just went outside sitting on top of my car

"peace and quietness, hm hmm" i smiled  to my self looking at the stars before closing my eyes feeling the peace of mind it gives me

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE?" i suddenly heard someone talking really fast making me flinch and almost fell of my car's roof

"Scarlett!! don't scare me like that!" i complained fixing my self as she sat beside me

"you're so dramatic" she chuckled looking already drunk af

"and you're always coming out of nowhere. be Honest , are u a ghost or something?"

"i don't know but if I'm a ghost, I'll be a hot ghost" she giggled hugging my bicep making me chuckle

"of course you are"

"why did u go outside?? that girl wanna fuck you. come onn lets get you laid" she suddenly says trying to pull me

"nope, no thankyou"

"why not...i mean yeah she's kinda ugly but that will do it. now, come on"

"scar, stopp" i chuckled actually pulling her to sit again beside me

"you're so picky " she complained

"no, I'm not"

"yes, you are"





"ok you can stop now, i just like someone else at the moment and I'm faithful to her even if we're not together..even if she already have someone" i explained looking at her being a complete hot mess

"but that's dumbb"

"i know" i smiled to my self before looking back at the sky

"scar look, if you connect those stars it looks like a leo" i pointed out to the constellations

"where" she asked suddenly sticking her face with mine to see it making me stunned on how close she is..

her hand is on top of mines as her lips are literally just few inch away, her skin on mines..my heart skipping a beat having a full on gay panic

"leo is a lion right?" she asked


"nah it looks like a rat to me" she huff getting off of me but my heart is still racing

"Y/N!! THERE'S A SHOOTING STAR!! COME IN WISH SOMETHING!!" She excitedly stated but i stayed staring and admiring her

"come on make a wish!!"

"you..can have it" i mumbled

"oooh ok, well i wish to get taller" she stated finger crossed with close eyes making me laugh

"you'll get that, don't worry. just keep on dreaming big even if you're small" i teased tapping her head as she frowned her brows on me annoyed

"i hate you" she sigh resting her head on my shoulder

"no, you Don't"

"yeah" she sigh again

"can i ask who do you like? the person you're talking about earlier, I'm just curious. lets me honestly you never because faithful like this"

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