Vlog #171 | best friends moments part 12

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Scarlett pov

I'm sleeping tonight at y/n's place just coz we need to go on set early and her house is near plus i just wanna annoy her

i made my self comfortable at her bed watching something when she finally came out off the shower but she suddenly grabbed some a pillow and a sheet putting them in the sofa near her bed

"what are you doing?" i asked laughing at her

"sleeping on the couch...obviously"

"why? u don't like sleeping beside me anymore?" i asked giggling and she just rolled her eyes

"scar look....You cuddle when you're sleeping...I DON'T TRUST MY SELF AND I WANT YOU TO WALK TOMORROW SO PLEASE"

"as if you can actually make my legs not work" i laughed out loud

"just sleep there ok?" she asked getting annoyed before grabbing 2 tabs of pills on the night stand

"what are those??"


"the other one?"

"nothing" she mumbled going back in the couch and just cover her face

well I'm aware about her difficulty in sleeping but i don't think you can take 2 sleeping pills at the same time...sooo i googled both of the pills turns out the other one is anti depressant

something inside me just felt heavy, I know her so much and i never saw this side of her. i don't know why but I'm staring at her shifting on the large sofa trying to get comfortable

i shookt my thoughts off by walking my way on the sofa she's laying on and just also lay beside her wrapping my hands on her stomach

"what are you doing? go back in the bed" she scoff

"i think 2 people can fit in this sofa" i mumbled

"scar, just go there and sleep. please, I'm already tired" she sigh turning around to face me

"i just wanna give you a hug... thought you might need one" i puppy eyed

she stayed quiet for a minute looking down before adjust her position to bury her face on my chest and just hug me tightly

"goodnight mommy" she mumbled

"good night" i responded adjusting my hand on her back making sure I'm holding her protectively


y/n pov

we're at comic con for the release of the new black widow movie and apparently I'm the love interest of ms splatasha

"you want one?" Scarlett asked giving me a piece of candy while we're waiting making me chuckle

"yeah sure" i smiled

"here" she open her mouth and i looked at her disgust before she started laughing hitting my arm


"sorry sorry" she giggled sniffing on her own shits

the event isn't starting yet so i just went on my phone

"you're so disgusting" Scarlett chuckled looking at my phone seeing i liked the picture of gal Gadot in a swimwear that can barely cover you

"what? she's my friend dummy" i huff

"then why are you zooming at it?" she asked leaning closer to my face making me blush for some reason....maybe embarrassment

"i....i...uhmmm...i-am checking if it's covered...y'know im a protective friend" i smiled sarcastically

"more like a maniac friend"

"shush okkk"

just in time the event started and i couldn't be more happy that I'm in between scarlett Johansson and Rachel weizs

they haven't even asked questions yet when a person suddenly shouted 'fuck you Scarlett Johansson'

"WHAT??? NOOO, I'LL BE THE ONE TO FUCK HER, NOT YOU!" i complained as everyone started screaming and cheering while Rachel hid her face laughing

"see....a literal maniac friend" Scarlett sigh

"only for you tho" i winked and i swear everytime this woman laughs she's gonna beat the fuck out of your biceps


I'm in the police station now still shaking as i has been chase by a paparazzi and i honestly don't know what to do

the door suddenly burst open with y/n looking around worried before she lays her eyes on me and run on my direction

"what happened??? are you ok???" she asked still worried cupping my face and i just started crying as she pulls me in a tight reassuring hug

"it's ok... I'm here now" she sigh Caressing the back of my head before i pull away and she immediately wiped my tears

"are you ok? did u get hurt?" she asked again and i shookt my head 'no'

just in few seconds colin also came inside and walked in our direction...y/n immediately looked at him furiously and he's just standing there.

i mean i get it. everyone is scared of y/n like she's just overall dangerous sometimes not to mention her habit and interest in true murder stories

"what the fuck is wrong with you? you're just gonna stand there? your wife got attacked and you're not even gonna fucking get your shits together to put her first?" she asked furiously

honestly this was the moment i realozed after all the time and we both have our own partners she's still my one call away

"I'll work on your case" she huff giving us privacy and signalled the police officer to follow her

"are you ok?" colin asked and i just nodded


I'm just resting at my tent still on my natasha wig when suddenly y/n came in and just lay down beside me hugging my stomach and i automatically knows what's up

"ok what is it about now" i rolled my eyes knowing she's stock in her thoughts again

"nothing" she mumbled

"oh come on now, you know i love a good gossip" i huff sarcastically earning her chuckle...which is basically my goal

"i just feel like i will never find my person" she sigh laying on her back staring at the ceiling

"what do you mean?"

"like dude, i already had like fucking 15+ girlfriends and flings and stuff and here I am still has no one at the end of the day"

"you'll find someone" i shrug

"easy for you to say...i just feel like I'm getting old and i want at least 1 person to love me y'know....like it's ok if the world hates me, at least i have that person" she huff

"you're literally like 10+ years younger than me....youre literally a kid" i giggled and she looked at me pouting annoyed

y/n has so much love inside her, she just don't know how and who will be the deserving person to recieve it

i mean i can't question her taste in women because obviously she already hooked up with the most attractive celebrities i know

"if i found that person.... I'll make sure to make her laugh everyday....spoil her with my love and ofc my hotness and expertise" she wiggled her brows making me laugh

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