Vlog #183 | yacht Celebration

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y/n pov

"hello, everyone" i smiled widely to the camera almost hiding my face as the sun hits my face

"ok I'm not dumb to go out without sunglasses and force my self to look at that fucking fireball. I'm just fixing some stuffs" i huff putting some of rose's and cosmo's things on the car while they prepared themselves inside

i then glare at rose's bag seeing something is glowing..well it was her ipad and it's in i believe Roblox?

"ok, just gonna turn it of---i--seriously?" i frowned my brows seeing there's this other player and they're talking in emojis making me laugh

i walked my way inside seeing Scarlett trying her hair while cosmo is sleeping at the bed

"ok little lady, i need explanation" i raised my brow showing her the ipad

"mama!! privacyyy" she complained getting it

"what happened?" Scarlett asked confused

"she have a boyfriend "

"Mama!! n-no i don't"

"do you?" Scarlett asked laughing

"no mommy, trust me he's just a friend and we just play together "

"yeah yeah, That's how my grandparents met" i teased while she's looking at me seems like she have murder in her mind

i smirked to my self biting my lips seeing a glimpse of Scarlett's swimsuit..well she's wearing a dress shirt and it's kinda thin

"red makes you the hottest" i whispered on her ears watching her cheeks be bright red in an instant

"shut upp, just go get ready" she chuckled still blushing

"what do you mean? I'm ready" 

"tank top?" she raised her brows

"equals comfy"

"oh come on just change"

"i will, later ok? let's go now. everybody is waiting" i kissed her forehead before getting cosmo and some of Scarlett's bags

"hey, i can hold this bag" she tried getting the backpack

"no, it's ok successful business woman. your wife can handle it" 

i watched as she gave me a genuine smile before wrapping hands on my bicep kissing my cheeks

"i love you..bub"

"love you the most...you know it's been a while since you called me that" i pouted while we all walked to the garage

"yeah because you're always being annoying and so I'm always screaming your name" she sigh but a smirk curled up on my lips

"stop the gay thoughts" she chuckled

"ok ok" i giggled opening the car door for her before fixing cosmo's seat

"ok..all set, you all sure you didn't forgot something??" i asked going to the driver's seat

"I'm good mama"

"all good"

"ok beach here we go!" i cheered

i mean...i told everyone we're going to the beach to atleast celebrate because Scarlett is doing really good at her outset thing..they have been getting these awards and stuff.

plus, we've both been dealing with something...and i know to my self red is the one who suffers the most..i just want to make her happy

"this is not the way to the beach.. isn't?" Scarlett asked

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