vlog #41 | moments compilation part 3

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"Hmm?" Scarlett responded as quiet as possible to not wake up rose while she's breastfeeding

"When rose cry.... She gets boobs in her mouth"

"What are you applying?" She asked laughing already

"I'm just saying the next time i cry---


"DUMDEDUMDEDUMDAYAYAYA" i started singing and dancing in front of our tv blocking the show Scarlett is watching while holding the remote as a mic

"Please shut up" she huff shaking her head and looked down hiding her laugh

" HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR SEX???" I asked still singing and pointed the remote at her to continue it but she started throwing pillows at me while screaming in annoyance

"HOT" I continued


"Shut the fuck uppppp!!!" She shouted laughing suddenly getting up and started chasing me holding a big ass pillow

Few minutes later

"Scar" i said while I'm laying on her stomach and she's stroking my hair

"What?" She asked looking down at me and pecked my lips


She covered my mouth and started laughing before leaning closer to my face

"If you won't stop I'll fucking choke you" she stated as she remove her hand and i looked at her with a smirk

"Choke? Ohhhhhhhh... interesting"  i teased





"I wanna asked you something" Scarlett says coming out of nowhere holding a stack of cash


"Money or me?" She asked giving the cash to me

"Money" i replied without hesitation and she just gave it to me but you can clearly tell her disappoinment

"How much?" I asked out fo nowhere

"How much for what?"


"Oh I'm free" she answered can't stop smiling

" Great coz I'm planning on buying 1000 more Scarlett's"

I started crying my eyes out sitting at the shower letting the cold water falls to me while listening to Adele's new album

" Oh my god, are you ok?" Scarlett asked barging in holding both of my cheeks looking really worried

" What happened?" She asked concerned and bury my face to her chest hugging my head

"I divorce you on my imagination to relate on Adele's new album" i stated as soon as i push my self off her and she looked at me annoyed before getting up and throw a towel on my face

"Fix your self or I'll divorce you for real" she huff and i immediately stand up to fix my self

"Yes ma'am"


"Ok rose say, hipopotamus"



" Hitatapomus"

" No no no no, hipopotamus"

" Hisatapomus"

"Fuck it" i mumbled to my self


"Oh shit Don't say that!!" I says panicking closing her mouth but she just kept on laughing

"shish" she says

"Fuc shish!!!" She says proudly

"Ok baby c'mon i got your mini robe..lets go" Scarlett says happily showing us the robe she ordered and pick up rose to take a bath

"Fuc shish"

"Y/n!!!!!!!!" Scarlett shouted through the walls of our bathroom and i immediately run downstairs for my dear life


*Dinner outside*

I was just sitting next to Scarlett while we're having dinner with rdj, brie, and evans

"This food is too hot I can't eat it" Scarlett complained laughing

"What do you want us to do?" Evans asked sarcastically

"C'mon you're too hot too but i eat you" i says and they all shookt their heads hiding their faces

"One normal dinner y/n, ONE NORMAL DINNER" rdj says

"Sorry i can't stop my thoughts from coming out to my mouth" i smirked

"Then what are your thoughts about me?" Brie asked trying to trigger Scarlett

"Really larson????" Scarlett huff making us all laugh

"Why did i even come here?" Lizzie mumbled while shaking her head laughing

*Going home walking after the dinner*

Scarlett and evans are walking together while I'm at the back walking with Lizzie

Scarlett keeps on laughing and slapping evans biceps every fucking minute

"What's on your mind?" Lizzie asked whispering

"You wouldn't want to know"

"I would"

"Can i shoot him?"

"Not in public" she huff wrapping her hand on my shoulders shaking me playfully but I'm still narrowing my eyes at evans

"Mommy??" Rose asked Scarlett while I'm driving coz we're going to a theme park


"Can we go to McDonald's??"

"If you can spell McDonald's.. I'll take you there" i said smirking

"Let's go to KFC then" she says with a sigh and i stopped the car to sob on the steering wheel laughing

"I'm proud of you" Scarlett says fist bumping rose
"Mama?" Rose says while she's sitting on my stomach and i raise both of my brows waiting for her next words

"What's that?" She asked pointing something to my neck and i grabbed the mirror on the nightstand to see a dark mark

I looked at Scarlett frowning my brows and she's just smiling

"What is that?" Rose asked again and i took a deep breath to think of an excuse

"Love baby, LOVE" Scarlett answered laying next to me


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