vlog #79 | Cosmo

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Scarlett pov

I'm alone in the bathroom while my heart is skipping a beat.

"hey" i greeted to the camera with a heavy breathing while chuckling showing a pregnancy test kit

"so I haven't got my period.... I'm 2 weeks delay.... I don't feel good and i haven't said anything to y/n..

"I'm actually ok whatever the results are coz rose is 7.. I'm done filming as natasha...y/n is almost done on the movie she's directing..so i think the timing is really ok"

i left the camera facing the wall and do the pregnancy test

y/n is not home yet she texted me saying she's already on her way

i just waited for the results

"oh my god.."


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"aw....cosmo" i mumbled to my self chuckling but tears running down my cheeks

i fixed my self Washing my face and took a deep breath to go outside..i quickly grabbed a empty paper bag putting the pregnancy test sealing it.

"babyyyyyyyyy" y/n shouted making me look down laughing.. you can hear her even in a mile away

"hey" i greeted smiling hiding the paper bag on my back before kissing her

"soooo i got you your fav! chicken wings and beer" she stated excitedly rushing in the kitchen to put it in a plate

"i don't think i will have the beer" i mumbled and she looked at me weird out

"why? you love beer" she stated shrugging still serving the wings

"i love it but i can't because cosmo can't" i stated smiling and she stopped on whta she's doing

"cosmo??" she asked laughing

"red are you on drugs?" she asked playfully still laughing

"no... I can't be on drugs" i responded still smiling before she picked me up sitting me on the kitchen island making me chuckle

i rested both of my hands on her shoulder as she looks up to me smiling

"what do you mean?" she asked raising both of her brows waiting for my answer but i just locked my lips with hers

"i have a surprise for you" i mumbled on her lips as she smiled before i pushed my self away and give her a paper bag

"you know i don't like gifts" she chuckled

"it's a different kind of gift" i stated and i remove my hold for her to open it..her smiled fade away being replaced by a unreadable expression

"red??" she mumbled sounding nervous while looking really shocked

"yeah?" i answered playfully before she looked at me with glossy eyes

"i-is this real?"

"what do you think?"


"of course it's real" i stated laughing while she's still looking at the pregnancy test

"oh my god.... I'M GONNA HAVE ANOTHER KID!!!" She shouted excitedly jumping around making me chuckle before she playfully hugged me picking me up spinning me around

"Scarlett!!! were gonna have a baby again!!" she proclaimed

"yes we will" i responded as i kissed her cheeks being really cute out by her reaction

"oh wow we should ready the nursery now!!"

"chill out.. it's too soon" i giggled still on her arms

"no you don't get it.... WE'RE GONNA HAVE ANOTHER BABY"

"hey look at me...calm down" i huff laughing holding her jaw to face me

"I'm gonna have another baby" she whispered again

"yes...yes you will...you already said it like a 3 times now"

"promise me this is not a prank" she huff looking everywhere looking for the camera. i just grabbed it behind the dishes and she looked at me raising both of her brows

"i just wanna record your reaction.. it's not a prank, we're gonna have cosmo" i stated softly

"oh my god...i love you" she mumbled pulling me on a tight hug and i just pouted hearing her sniffing

"I'm not gonna leave you this time............i promise" she added tightening the hug still crying her eyes out on my shoulder


"hey red?" y/n asked as i lightly comb her hair while she's laying on my lap


"you're pregnant right.... Soo does that mean no coochie for 9 months?" she asked innocently and i just hugged her head laughing at her

"no, i mean some couples still do it" i responded trying to stop my self from laughing

"but that's weird though...imagine while I'm fucking you the baby grab my dick on the inside" she added and I started wheezing while she's also laughing on what she said

"i mean don't get me wrong it's not just about sex but like 9months?"

"Don't worry...i still have a mouth and throat" i smirked and she looked at me frowning her brows while pouting

"ohhhh fckkk" she hummed making me confused

"so i can't do it with you for 9months..then you need to heal first coz you just gave birth and that would take let's say 1 to 3 months...cosmooo you're also stealing my wife from me???" she stated still pouting glaring at my tummy

"what if she's a girl?"

"she's gonna be cosma" she stated sarcastically and i throw my head back laughing at her response

"noo for real what would you name her if she's a girl?"

"why don't you choose? I'm always the one thinking when it comes to names...i mean i get it I'm smart but y'know" she responded making me roll my eyes still can't remove my smile

"how about...athena? i know you love greek mythology" i said smiling looking down at her while caressing her cheeks

"yeah i do but i want you to associate the name with you not mine"

"hmmm...ruby? it's kinda close to rose coz they're like both red and precious"

"oh....that makes sense more than cosmo" she mumbled making me chuckle

"what does even cosmo means?"

"it means order... decency, and beauty. this is the English form of Cosimo, introduced to Britain in the 18th century by the Scottish nobleman the second Duke of Gordon, who named his son and successor after his friend Cosimo III de' Medici." she explained and i shookt my head not getting anything she just stated

"now hold on....what???" i asked playfully shaking my head


don't worry he ain't coming very soon

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