vlog #116 | Girlfriend moments part 1

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since I'm trying to redeem my self for not being active....Yes we have a new moments compilation content

(what moments compilation should we add?)

ok I'll give you a warning...y/n is really dominant and when i say really i mean REALLY.

her character just developed when they were married so in these chapters she's really kinda annoying

Scarlett pov

"hey baby" i greeted chuckling as my girlfriend y/n came in my house with full on disguise

she's wearing a oversized hoodie, pants, sunglasses, facemask and a cap

"you look like you're gonna kidnapped me or sum" i added still laughing at her

"it's hot here.." she mumbled making me looked down and chuckle

i let her in and she immediately take off the unnecessary before grabbing my waist pulling me in a passionate kiss

"i miss you" she hummed on my lips making me smile

"miss you More" i groaned as she grabbed my ass


"wow... really great timing" she sigh and i just pushed my self off her to see who it is....well i forgot i ordered a pizza

as i turn around i saw y/n holding my vibrator making me widen my eyes

"what is this?" she asked seriously raising a brow

y/n made rules on our relationship

1. Permissions...we need to ask each other if it's ok to do a thing that will affect our partner.

2. No to revealing clothes when going out

3. i can't touch my self...she doesn't like the idea of me pleasuring my self and i honestly don't know why

"I'll explain" i stated running in the kitchen to put the pizza on the counter just to get back at her

"I'm waiting for the explanation" she says still holding it

"uhhhhh i-i didn't use it! uhmmm Florence just gave it to me earlier and it's just laying around there!!!"  i proclaimed nervously

"didn't use it?" she asked smelling it... I'm ready to die

"didn't i told you i don't like you doing these stuffs?" she huff

"well....i haven't heard be with you like in weeks.."

"ok...fine that's fair..I'll let you slip this time" she says rolling her eyes as i smiled and just walked over her grabbing the vibrator throwing it

"i don't need that anymore" i mumbled as a smile curl up her lips before crashing her lips into mine and wrapped my thighs on her waist


"I'm gonna kill the next person coming out of that door" she says pissed making me chuckle

she walked towards the door still witn her brows frown before being greeted by my brother

"oh hey?? sup? saw your car outside..damn that's sick" my brother says wrapping his hand on y/n's shoulder

"we're kinda busy..can you go?" i asked

"oh hey, why so stubborn?" he asked now going on my direction

"hunter...here..just go away" y/n says getting his attention giving him her car keys

"this is why you're my favorite" he says making us both roll our eyes before he leaves

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