Vlog #24 | defending each other on interviews moments

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"ok uhm to y/n"

"Hey how are you cutie??" I responded fixing my posture sitting properly while smiling at the fan

"I'm good Thanks" she responded

"So my question is uhhh how does it feel to like uhmm be "the popular slash main character" in your friend group? Like the marvel friend group.. coz like you once admitted that you rejected 5 actors."

" Uhm personally i found it kinda awkward because obviously we work in the same organization but also it's kinda fun coz after they admitted what they feel i always Build uhmm closure to the both of us and end up being closer to each other"

" Not to hate, coz like sometimes I'm wondering why you.... Like I'm not a hater but i just can't see what they see, sorry...i... don't find you attractive" she added earning " ohhh" from everyone but I'm professional

" It's fine, we all have different perspectives and taste" i responded still smiling but deep inside it kinda hurts like why can't she just keep that to herself? It's low-key embarrassing and awkward

" Ok uhmmm to Scarlett Johansson" she added asking another question but this time to Scarlett and i just drop the mic at the table exhausted already because of her

"You ok?" Anthony Mackie asked sitting in the chair behind me and i nodded with a smile looking at him

"You look beautiful, specially tonight" Hiddleston added sitting next to me

"Before i start let me just say that you're really really attractive and you're my crush, oh my god!! " She stated happily

" Really?" Scarlett asked

" Yes!!! "

" Great, coz i have a crush on y/n" she responded sarcastically making all the other fans laugh

I just put my lips together and looked to my side hiding my mouth with my hand laughing like the other cast.

"Y/n what did you see to Scarlett that you didn't see in the other uhmm y'know actors" jimmy asked leaning closer to his table

"Be careful" Scarlett whispered making everyone in the studio laugh and i looked down with a chuckle

I took a deep breath imagine Scarlett and just get lost.

"Scarlett is just....... perfect, like.... her personality her uhmmm smile and her ass"

"I mean her eyes!" I says repeating my self but the audience and jimmy started wheezing and Scarlett is literally shaking her head by my side, i tried talking again but i just burst out laughing hiding my face in embarrassment.
"Y/n" the reporter stated


"Uhh..what did you like learned in MCU" she asked blushing with a chuckle

"I learned how to like accept was is needed to be accepted, like when your character dies or like when your co-actor character's dies you need to accept it because you know you can't do anything about it so just learn to move on and accept"

"Thank you, Scarlett uhm to get in the shape of black widow do you need to do any form of diet or routine?" the reporter says nodding

I looked at Scarlett and she is clearly disappointed and pissed at the reporter and i just know i need to step up

"I also learned that people are much more interested in your first question that you asked me than the question you gave my girlfriend about her body" i says fixing my suit and people thought i was joking but I'm also pissed about it

Scarlett just chuckled but i can still see and feel that her mood didn't change
" Thank you (your nickname) but like how come you get the interesting questions and i get the like rabbit food question?" She says and i just chuckled


" About costumes, uhm y/n you always like wear rhis really baggy and covered clothes, how do you feel about it?"

" Uhm I feel really comfortable coz y'know as y/n stark she's just chill and always wear pj's, baggy and covered clothes.. it's comfortable coz we have the same vibe and preferred clothing"

" That's really cool, you created her character right?"

" Yeah"

" Uhmm Scarlett a lot of people are wondering like the black widow suit is a skin tight leather...what type of underwear are you wearing it do you wear underwear underneath it?

he asked and i shookt my head hearing the question and just had this urge to kill someone

"Let me get this clear your asking her what type of underwear she wears?"

"No!!!" He defended quickly in a crazy tone laughing but i didn't change my furious reaction

"That's offensive" Scarlett responded swallowing thickly

" You go to school to be a reporter and payed thousands of dollars for education and you're free to asked us any questions...then you choose to ask her if she's wearing underwear? Do you know how creepy that is? And do you know how disrespectful is it just the fact that she's a woman and I'm literally here. Sorry but yes I'm offended by your question even if it's not for me. You realize captain america and spider man also wears skin tights right? Why don't you try asking a guy that question the next time they're here and find out their reaction? If i asked your wife what type of underwear she wears in front of you how would you feel? I really don't get it why do you have to sexualize her every fucking time?? Stop your sexual and sexist questions or I myself will make sure you lose your fucking job and your fucking whole company, The f*ck" i curse really furiously because of his question grabbing Scarlett's wrist and walked out of the interview even if its live and he even looked like surprised that i was offended

This is my last interview before evicting my contact as a actor in marvel and i just know i won't be in interviews again to defend her

"So y/n you're like known as Scarlett's protection against reporters when they're asking below the belt questions and you are also a writer in marvel"

"That's me" i responded smiling

"That's her" Scarlett added chuckling

"Ny night and shining armor" she added sarcastically making everyone laugh

"How do you feel about black widow's hypersexual introduction to marvel" he asked

"Uhh first of all I don't have any control about the past i honestly think i was like 10 or 12 or 14? When those happens"

" Stop saying that I'm old" Scarlett huff and i suddenly burst out laughing hiding my face

"But like if you can noticed as the time past Natasha became much more lest sexualize and that's what I'm really proud off to the past writers.. Natasha's development"

"Yeah...but it didn't last coz i yeet myself off a cliff" she interfere

" What's amazing about it is when you created a plot twist to the whole mcu and resurrected her character and that's when it all started that there's is literally no clips of natasha being sexualize or anything"

"i just love Natasha like she's so broken inside but she won't show it"

" I agree and sometimes and I'm just like "oh nat" like she's just so strong" Scarlett added Making everyone aww

" And i was just pissed like the entire 10 years or MCU Natasha didn't think of closing her suit like it's always half open" i scoff making everyone laugh

" At least she got a new vest" Scarlett added

" With pockets"

" A lot of useful pockets" she adde wiggiling her brows playfully

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