Vlog #178 | it needs to end

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Scarlett pov

"please please please don't leave me, I'm begging you please" i sobbed still hugging her bicep tightly wishing all of this is just a dream

"i know and you know i never  hit you but i hope u also know theirs always a first time for everything so for gods sake GET OFF ME!!" She shouted again but i know her too well that she would never do that

she closed the bags full of her clothes but before she even tries to leave i quickly pull her in a tight hug sobbing on her chest catching my breath

"Scarlett....let me go" she mumbled seriously but i just shookt my head 'no'

"I SAID FUCKING LET ME GO!!" She shouted again removing her arm from my hold, pushing me kinda harshly

before she even make another step to get out she suddenly held her abdomen followed by her dropping on the ground wheezing in pain

"a-are you ok??? y/n??" i wiped my tears to help her wrapping her arm around my shoulder

as we both stood up she burried her face on my neck before both of us started laughing

"IT'S A PRANKKK" we both cheered at the camera on the table

me and y/n decided to share a life experience to everyone but ofc we need to traumatized them first before saying our surprised

"ladies and gentlemen, The best actress Scarlett Johansson!!" y/n cheered getting of me before clapping her hands loudly as i sarcastically wiped my tears seems like I'm receiving an oscar

"how can we forget? the hottest director alive" i purred seductively resting my palm on her chest looking up to her

"well...we can't deny that" she sigh sarcastically making me chuckle

we both fixed our selves and decided to continue the rest of the video on her studio.

"you want one?" i asked her giving a piece of gum while I'm chewing one

"sure" she huff before grabbing the back of my neck and suddenly locked our lips together grabbing the gum on my mouth by her tongue

she pulled away and just fixed her hair seems like she didn't do something while i just smiled and looked down can't help the butterflies filling my stomach

"that's disgusting" i giggled retouching my lipstick

"it's not if it's from your mouth" she mumbled

she suddenly look back at me with a smirk on her lips.


"you look like a ripe tomato" she chuckle pinching my red ass cheeks before i slapped her hand

"fiesty" she scrunch her nose leaning closer

"let me put some products on you before we formally start the video" i sigh kissing both of her cheeks before blending the lipstick on her cheeks acting as blush

"here too" she pouted referring bout her lips making me laugh but i just gave her  a lip balm

"das not fair" she shookt her head

"are we gonna start the video or what??" i asked laughing

"are you sure rose and cosmo are mines?" she asked sarcastically again earning another slap on her bicep AGAIN

"jeez ok" she mumbled 


"helloo, so uhm first of all sorry for the intense scenarios. i haven't write anything like that in a long time and i just wanted to act it with scar" she started

"soooo, we wanted to share a great and sad news to all of you all" i breathe out before i felt her holding my hand squeezing it tightly

"we're getting a divorce" y/n looked down

"WHATTT??????" i asked raising my voice removing her hand as she started laughing

"kidding....anywayss, continue "

"uhmm, good news or bad news first?" i asked her


"ok ok, y'all know it's been months after we had cosmo and....the good news is..... we're having another cacti" i smiled holding my stomach as y/n kissed my cheeks

"that means we're getting rid of the old cacti" she smiled innocently but i looked at her dropping my expression

"chill out... joking....hi cacti, love you"

"ok soo on the bad news we decided to uh...end this YouTube channel..for good. i mean not totally end now, but when the new baby comes...its time to say our final goodbye to y'all." i swallowed thickly

but this is y/n's decision and maybe she's just tired of people casually bringing their negativity to us UpTo our kids.

"it's been a pleasure to make y'all laugh and I'm sorry for traumatizing you in such a lot of ways. This is not our final goodbye but i just want you to know that i appreciate y'all so much" y/n started talking and honestly? she looks genuine

i feel bad for suddenly coming in her life and take away this part of her life which is her YouTube career but again, it's her decision.

"I'm ending this YouTube channel because..... I'm starting a Pornhub channel" she suddenly says and j just hid my face on the table

guess you can never be serious around her...but its fun and..i love it..even if she's really inappropriate.

VLOGS  Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora