Vlog #26 | Marvel Olympics Day 2

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"heyy, sooo it's day 2 i just woke up and Scarlett is out to get some breakfast" i started literally without energy because of how tired I am

"My arms hurts, my legs hurts, my head hurts, got a lot of bruises...i didn't warm up and i think that's why. I LOVE LIFE" I chuckled rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes

" We won yesterday but Scarlett didn't film coz the camera is lowbatt and she doesn't want to miss any part of the game... It's a intense one and i honestly feel like someone beat me up on how bad right now this hurts more than doing stunts and fight scenes"

" Ohh yeah i almost forgot Scarlett is playing later in the obstacle course thing"

" Y/n my love" Scarlett says playfully coming in the room with a tray

She sat beside me and literally started eating the food that she originally got for me

" How are you? Does your arm still hurts?" She asked chewing some waffles

"It's still sore but it hurts less" i responded taking a sip of the coffee and she sliced a piece of waffles feeding it to me

"Did you notice my stretch marks last night? I just saw them for the first time this morning when i used the bathroom" i asked casually

"Yeah, they're beautiful" she says smiling

" I searched what it cause it" i mumbled

" What?"

" Sudden weight gain" i sigh

"Even if i lose weight it still won't disappear and it can never be 100% removed" i added

" Hey don't even overthink about it, you're beautiful" she says lifting my chin and pecked my lips, she knows I'm not comfortable with my body and I'm just glad she's here

"You're just gonna drink that coffee? Have some waffles"

"Nah I'm good"

"I know what you're trying to do c'mon" she huff slicing another bite size piece but i just ignored her and lay down covering my face with a pillow

" I want to go home" i mumbled quietly

I heard her sigh and felt the bed moved before she sit next to me removing the pillow tucking the hair on my face behind my ears

"We can go home if you want" she says softly still fixing my hair

"How about your game?"

"It's just a game, you're much more important"

"No coz that would be unfair"

"It's ok"

" No it's not, I'll just fix my self then we can go in the field" i sigh and get up to go to the bathroom

"Can i borrow your hoodie?!??!!!!!" I shouted through the walls of the bathroom

"Which one?"

"The one you wore last night!!"


(Day 2 outfit)

(Day 2 outfit)

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