Vlog #51 | Day 2 of Scarlett's birthday

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"hey people, welcome back to my YouTube channel and for today's video we're all excited"

"I'm with my family right now" i added as Scarlett and rose waved at the camera

"We're currently on our way to the location of the jet coz we're going to???"

"DISNEY LAND!!!!!!!" rose proclaimed happily making both me and Scarlett chuckle

"Y'all know we live in new York and disney land is in California so the flight is roughly 6 hours"



" Hmm?? " She hummed looking up to me

" What's the feeling of going to disney land after you sue Disney? " I asked playfully still driving and she slapped my thigh looking down and started laughing

"I swear if you won't stop bringing that issue while we're there I'll fucking walk back from California to new york" she stated sarcastically and i started wheezing

"F-Fucking?" Rose says and i stopped the car as we both look at her at the backseat

"What?" She asked innocently

"You can't blame me, you said it" i mumbled enough for Scarlett to hear

"Rose, baby that's wrong Don't say that" Scarlett says softly

"But you said it..." Rose responded pouting

"Yeah but not everything mommy says is right for example last night she call me------" i said before being cut off by Scarlett's hand covering my mouth

"That's too inappropriate than what i said...shush that ok?" She asked and i nodded before she remove her hand

"Just don't say that again, that word is for adults...mkay?" Scarlet asked and rose nodded while i continue driving

" c'est chaud, pourquoi ne me laisses-tu pas le lui dire ? (that's hot, why don't you let me say it to her?)" I asked smirking to my self speaking french for rose to not understand our conversation

" c'est trop (it's too much)" she responded looking away trying to hide her smile

"tu as trop apprécié hier soir (you enjoyed too much last night)" i added still smirking.

" tais-toi (shut up)" she chuckled

"Why are you talking like minions?" Rose asked tilting her head

"Minions???? French sounds romantic" i scoff

"It actually does" Scarlett agreed smiling

" Mommy I'm hungry" she mumbled

"are we there yet?" Scarlett asked

" Nope, 15-20 more minutes" i responded

" But I'm hungryyyy" rose complained

"do you have any snacks on your car?" Scarlett asked

"hmmm yeah but------- it's not that healthy"

" What is it?"

" Open the box thing in there" i stated as Scarlett reached for it

She open it revealing a whole box of chocolates, gummies, chips and candies specifically lollipops

" Seriously how old are you?" She asked laughing

"Hey, those doesn't require age limit" i complained

"Baby, I'm sorry you can't eat this... we're just gonna wait till the next gas station ok?"

" Mkay"

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