Vlog #33 | True Home

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It's been 2 years and you haven't post anything and no one heard your existence..in short you shut down the world

Fans have mix opinions about you leaving Scarlett but they can't hate you fully knowing you have a deep reason behind it

"Hey people"i  started can't hide my smile missing doing this intro

"Yes, I'm alive...and in new york time"

I smiled sitting at the benches outside the airport waiting for someone

"Just wanna clarify everything before that someone showed up..the papers i was talking about last 2 years we're uhmm about me suing uh..the-- uhmm y'know"

"I never dreamed of getting a divorce and as i said i just need some time. I know I've been selfish and i just wanted to redeem my immaturity before but---

"Me and Red aren't together anymore...just in papers and for uh y'know"

"Sorry i can't put words together" i sigh chuckling hiding my face on my palm


A flash of car lights hit my face and i quickly stand up.

I watch as the person i thought i hated but i actually can't do that step outside the car and grabbed something inside or maybe someone inside before coming up to me

I can feel my heart skipping a second and my hands are shaking on nervousness

"I'm just gonna put you guys somewhere in my pocket..i don't really want to expose her"

She came to me holding someone that looks familiar but my attention was quickly caught by something

"Your hair"

"Is it bad?"

"I don't think you can look bad" i said smiling at her

" Your flirting skills never fade off" she says trying her hardest to not smile but i quickly get my attention back to the person and the reason why i came back

"She...uhm looks like you" i said awkwardly and recieved a chuckle from Scarlett that i haven't heard in 2 years but it felt like forever

"Can...i?" I asked and she nodded giving me the baby

"Her name is rose"

"Hey..rose" i greeted getting lost on her eyes that looks exactly like Scarlett's forest eyes

"I missed you" Scarlett says out of nowhere and i looked at her not knowing how to respond without being awkward

"Sorry-- i was just lost watching you care for her and---" she said immediately defending herself

VLOGS  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora