Vlog #198 | Late Night talk

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Scarlett pov

we're just casually watching this girl on YouTube doing these story telling about murder mysteries..y/n loves watching these so much and i still don't know why

"how can u eat while she's literally talking about bodies being chopped off" i asked chuckling while she's laying on my lap eating brownies

"what? brownies are great everytime" she responded

"oh mommy, remember the story we watched last night? they said it's like kind of the same as this one but just less gruesome" she explained casually seven years old

I'm just staring at her smiling and chuckling on how cute she is. Honestly, whenever she calls me mommy it just hits different on me because i feel like it's her inner child healing

"can u make like the chocolate bread u did last week for breakfast tomorrow?" she suddenly asked

"sure" i gave her a smile before she came back on what she's watching

"oh she's kinda hot" she mumbled looking at the killer's photo

"ok, i know you have a thing for women who can kill you if they want to but your wife is here" i complained and she started laughing

"I'm sorry" she stated wheezing and i just cupped her cheek before leaning fown giving her a kiss smiling on her lips

"you taste like brownies" i mumbled earning her chuckles

"that's like hot and gross at the same time" she frowned her brows

"it's delicious to me" i shrugged

she's just staring at me before sitting down beside me

"you know sometimes I'm staring at you and all i can think is like.. how did i manage to actually marry the woman of my dreams" she sigh

"u managed to do that because u did witchcraft on me" i sarcastically says

"how did you know that" she whispered making me laugh out loud

"but no seriously, how did u even like me" she asked while we just both lay down and i used her bicep as my pillow resting my hand on her chest

"well..u showed me things that i never thought are actually just bare minimum..y'know before i needed to beg to be treated that way and..you..you did exactly that..not even just exactly but you gave everything..and i never needed to beg for it" i mumbled

"what do you mean by bare minimum and everything"

"you just...loved me.. unconditionally" i smiled to myself

"true...slay" she huff making me chuckle

"how about you? how did u like me" i looked up to face her

"you have a nice booty" she says giggling and i just slapped her chest playfully

"Get serious!"

"ok ok..uhm..i love your milky honkers--"


"Whatttt, I'm trying my best ok" she chuckled and i just clicked my tongue annoyed

"ok ok uhm...can i just put it in a way that you're the most beautiful person i know inside and out?" she responded looking directly at my eyes before kissing my forehead

"oh, y'know what's crazy to me?" she asked


"i was like just watching your movie 'lucy' at the office like a week ago? and it made me smile to myself"

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