Chapter 28 - The White House Elevator! - What could go wrong..?

Start from the beginning

As they entered the elevator - surprisingly big enough to fit the whole tour group - Percy sent up a quick prayer that nothing would go drastically wrong while they were in the elevator. An Ariana Grande song was playing quietly in the background as they piled in.

When the elevator started moving down, Percy let out a quiet gasp, thinking of sinking back to Tartarus even though, logically, he knew that was impossible. Annabeth reached over and grabbed his other hand, rubbing her thumbs in circles to ground him slightly, she knew it worked when he lightly squeezed her hands and she let go of the other one with a shaky smile.

Suddenly, a screeching noise that had people covering their ears cut through the Arianna Grande song. And they felt elevator shudder to a stop.

"Oh for Hade's sake, we're going down two floors, what the actual fu-," Percy started loudly before someone elbowed him in the side harshly.

Various students started to panic, Annabeth and Percy tried to stay as calm as possible and ignore the chaos around them. The tour guide lady whipped out her walkie talkie and started talking into it, but the words were unintelligible due to the rising volume.

She nodded a few times and replied then tucked it back into her blazer pocket. "Silence, please! Everyone quiet!" The teachers caught on quickly and started shushing everyone until it was silent.

"Okay! I've radioed security so they know what's going on and they are currently looking for the source of our halt. Once they know what it is, they'll see if it's easier to get the elevator started again, or if the doors should be pried open.

"They're going to radio me with updates, but for me to hear those, you are going to need to be relatively quiet, and also not move around to much. Thanks for your cooperation, and I'm sure this will be fixed in no time," She smiled at them then pulled out her phone, probably for more discreet messaging to the staff.

Most people were silent, trying to process the fact they were stuck in an elevator - in the White House, which you would expect nothing to go wrong in. Eventually the Arianna Grande song faded out and another one started, the new tune filtering into the quiet.

And as soon as she heard it, Annabeth swore in Ancient Greek, and pulled her hand from Percy's to dig the palm of her hand to her eyes

Because guess what song it was.

The fucking Pina Colada song.

Apparently it was to difficult for the Fates to give them one fucking day off, was Percy and Annabeth's unanimous thought.

Both their breathing grew faintly laboured as they tried to keep control but it was all just too much, and one after one the memories were resurfacing. Paul's eyes widened when he realised what happened and he recalled a vague story of elevators from when Percy explained where he had been.

"Excuse me," He muttered, slowly pushing his way towards them. The tour guide shot glares at him but he ignored them, focused on getting to his son and practically daughter-in-law. Though, Annabeth seemed to be managing better than Percy, so far.

Percy had started muttering quietly, too quiet to actually make sense of, until he said louder, "Annabeth? Annabeth it stopped,"

Annabeth turned to the sound of Percy's voice, "Fuck, Perce, its gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay. We're not there, we're at Goode, on a trip," Annabeth kept repeating it over to herself to try and stay grounded. Paul reached her and muttered things to her about the day they had to help. It seemed to be working because her breathing was slowing down.

Percy, on the other hand, was not doing as well. His breathing was frantic and he was muttering quietly to himself; "But, if it stopped, then Bob and Damsen are in trouble, and then that means it's my fault because - because I didn't do anything to help them, and - and I dropped Riptide, and it's all my fault!"

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