Chapter 11-Carnival

Start from the beginning

"Is this a show for you?" She asked me.

"Wait no! I don't know why they are looking at me!"I defended as they stared at me and so did Amera as she gave me a puzzled look.

"I'm  confused too..." I tried to break the uncomfortablness.

"Might as well watch..."Amera said and I was taken aback.

"What?" I asked.

I didn't  expect that from her.

I could clearly see their tongue action. Febe's hand strayed a bit falling to Lexi's breast beneath the water. I could see Febe's  fingers barely above water and caressing her breast.

I swallowed spit. This was making me uncomfortable, it always does. How did Amera seem so laid back through all this? Wasn't she even a little uncomfortable like me.

Alexia gasped and thats when I realized Febe's hand wasn't above water anymore.

All the blood in my body went cold. I could only imagine what might have caused that even if I didn't want to.

A alarm sounded and I guess that was our cue to get ready and my savior. It broke the tension in the air.

"Well...."Alexia raised up without any shame exiting the water.

Not like there was a reason for her to be ashamed. She had a nice body and firm assets in the right places but come on, they were just doing some hanky panky in the water, have at least a little shame.

Febe followed and she looked awesome as well.Alexia grabbed her towel wrapping it around herself. Amera then got out. She looked nice as well.

I am not saying this in a queer manner, just as a woman acknowledging  another lady womans beauty and assets.


We got dressed but I felt so exposed. I was only covered by patches of coloured feathers. They covered my breasts, and my coochie and thank God the back of the underwear was made of cloth.

"I'm not so sure about this ....." I spoke about the outfit.

"Oh come on.... look at mine, you're fine..."Lexi said to me turning to give me a view of her outfit  back and front.

Oh my God, she was right. Her outfit was definitely worse. Only three tiny feathers covered her nipples connected to a string here and a string there.

The front of her vagaina was covered by feathers too and as for the back, it was definitely worse. She basically was wearing a g-string.

Amera seemed to have gotten the best one to me. Her's was a bikini type bra decorated with feather and as for the lower area she had a underwear connected to a string that went around her waistline and had feathers hanging down. A lot more shaded than mine.

Febe, she was wearing a heart over her nipples with two feathers at the side connected with strings, like a bikini top. The lower region was a underwear decorated with feather here and there. She also wore a feathered crown.

I had the most revealing outfit behind Alexia's but it didn't  other her.

"I'm not gonna wear this..."I  folded my arms over my chest upset.

"What's wrong with it?"Febe asked like it wasn't obvious as she took in my appearance and I stepped down on my foot with the other to break the awkwardness I began to feel under her stare.

"If it makes you feel better sweetheart here you go...."she handed me a feathery string like Amera's.

This  obviously came with the outfit and she didn't want me to  wear it. She wanted me more revealed so she could eat me up with her piranha eyes.

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