I and Jorge kept talking until the waiter came and brought us the meal. To be honest, I concentrated more on Jorge than on the meal. We had a lot of fun.

At 8.50pm we left the restaurant and drove to Jorge's. I'd never been at Jorge's place before, I was so excited!

As we went in, we stood in a not that huge hallway, it reminded me a bit of my apartment. I went into the bathroom, changed and quickly checked if I looked alright. I put on a bit more make-up. After that I went into the kitchen and sat down.

"You know you also look good without make up, right?", Jorge mentioned and I faced him. He noticed...?

"Here's your water by the way, don't you want anything else?", he asked.

"No, thanks", I replied and smiled. "So let's watch the movie!"
We went into the living room and Jorge turned on the TV and his DVD player.

"Wait, I'll get some popcorn!", he said happily, went to the kitchen and came back with a huge bowl with popcorn in it.

"And who is gonna eat all that?"

"Me and you...well, mostly me"

"We'll see", I smirked.

"Oooh, now I'm getting scared", he answered sarcastically and I threw a pillow at him.

"Hey! That hurt!", he shouted, put the bowl down, took another pillow and threw it at me.

"You'll regret this!", I said, took a few pillows and threw them all at him. Then I ran to him and pushed him onto the floor, I actually lied over him, the position was a bit weird, I got nervous.

"Told ya", I smirked so he didn't notice anything. I got off him quickly, sat down on the couch and took the bowl with popcorn in it. "I still don't know which movie we'll watch"

"Scary movie 3"

"Like it's actually scary"

"You've watched it already?"

"Exactly. What else do you have?"

"Um, a romantic movie 'If Only'"

"With who is it?"

"Paul Nicholls, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Tom-", he began to read the back of the DVD cover.

"You already had me at Jennifer Love Hewitt", I grinned and Jorge laughed. The film started and I tried to focus on it, but with Jorge next to me...
I pretented to be tired and put my head on his shoulder. As response he smiled and me but quickly turned his head to the TV. He really seemed to enjoy the film. I should try to do it too.

(I don't want to spoil if you're ever gonna watch the movie so I won't write anything about the end.)

The screen went black and I cried so much. Jorge gave me a handkerchief, he was such a gentleman. I needed a few minutes to calm down.

"That was-", I began.

"one of the best romantic movies I've ever watched", Jorge completed the sentence.

"But you didn't even cry, you didn't show any emotion?!"

"Well, I have a pokerface", he laughed and I joined him.

"It was really nice with you", I said and looked at the empty bowl in which was filled with popcorn a time ago.

"I think so too", he smiled and looked into my eyes. "We should repeat that"

"Yes, we denfinitely should", I answered. "I shout get going"

"Wait", he stood up and took my hand as I already was about to leave. Now we stood next to the couch, he wasn't far away from me.

I looked at him with an opened mouth and big eyes. We stood so close to each other. He put his arm around my waist and pressed his lips against mine. I realised what was happening a few seconds later, he still was kissing me and not just that, passionately. Now or never. I kissed him back with all the passion I had in me. I knew I had wanted this forever and I knew - it was really happened. It felt like one of those dreams I had at night but this was different - and real. Then I was on the couch again, this time he was lying over me. I placed my hand around his neck and continued kissing him. I still couldn't believe it was real. I just wanted to enjoy that moment. It was actually even better than I ever imagined. I had never felt anything like this before. I really didn't know if he felt the same way but he seemed to enjoy it too. After a few minutes we pulled away breathless. Seriously, I needed to know what he felt! Jorge first looked at the ground - probably thinking about what happened - but then smiled to me gently and my face lightened up.
He didn't say anything, he pulled me close to him and put his arm aroud me.


Author's note
Sorry, I hope it's not too bad, tell me your opinions in the comments please.

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