24| Cold Tears

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Itachi's POV 🎸

After that, I told them what we should do next, which resulted in their agreement that this one should work.

"Any other ideas, before we get this plan set in motion?" I asked.

The others shook their heads "No" before we went to work on the next step.

Toriel's POV 🥧

When I eventually woke up, I noticed Ryobo was curled up into a ball while he was in my arms, making me smile at that.

Getting up and stretching the tiredness out of me, I happened to notice Ryobo's sketchbook on the desk, making me curious about the way he draws and what he's drawn in the sketchbook.

Deciding I was gonna take a peek at some of his art, I sat down at the desk and flipped the book all the way back to the beginning, before I started to look at his art.

The picture in the first page was Ryobo and Itachi's home from the surface. Surprisingly, it was almost similar to Snowdin here. Only the weather was mostly really nice.

"His art is really good. He's almost like a professional at it." I thought as I continued to look.

The next few drawings involved with them, their parents and friends.

Including the tragic story of what happened to Ryobo and Itachi's parents.

When I saw the drawing, I noticed there were tear stains in the page, giving me the message that he must've been crying when he drew it.

Then I suddenly came to a stop when I turned to the 13th page, which was a drawing of when he and Itachi fell here in the Underground.

As I looked, it showed the scene of when they met Flowey, that I was introduced to later, when I found them.

The drawings continued on, involving me in them this time, including some of the events that happened involving him meeting Undyne, and me being sent to the hospital because of what was going on, medically wise.

"Is this some sort of art diary?" I wondered, feeling surprised at the same time because of how much Ryobo's kept track of what's happened to him.

But, I came to a halt when I stopped at another page again.

This one was a drawing of me but I looked and acted different in the picture.

My eyes were green, the deltarune symbol on my dress was ripped, and I held a syringe in one hand while I was holding a knife in the other hand.

I looked deranged, psycho, and delusional.

A madwoman.

In bold, that looked like it was written out of fear, were the words 'Horrortale Toriel'.

After seeing that, I just moved the book aside and sat there, not doing anything.

I felt tears running down to the sides of my face as I was already having a hard time, trying to process the drawing I just saw.

Am I really that heartless? Was I manipulated and forced to hurt Ryobo and Itachi when I looked like that?

Was I...

I couldn't stop the tears falling from my face at the thought of the last one.

I quickly stood up, accidentally knocking the chair over and making a loud noise, before running out of the room as I slammed the door behind me, startling Ryobo while I heard him say "Tori?!?!".

When I was out of the room, I ran out of the cabin and swung the door open, before I continued running out into the cool weather until my legs were exhausted.

Collapsing to the snowy ground, I started crying as I buried my face in my hands, while lying on my side in the snowy ground.

Ryobo's POV ❄️

As soon as I heard a chair being knocked over and a door being slammed, I was startled awake from the small nap I took while I was waiting on Toriel earlier, until now.

"Tori?!?!" I went as I spotted her running out of the room before she slammed the door shut behind her.

I quickly got up from the bed before immediately noticing that she looked through my sketchbook while I was taking a light nap earlier.

"Oh no...She looked through it!" I thought before I putted the sketchbook away in my bag, setted the bag down on the bed, hurried out of the bedroom and locked the bedroom door behind me as I ran down the hallway and out the cabin door.

As for my boots, cloak, and my gloves, I already putted them on earlier.

"Tori! Where are you?!?!" I called out as I started searching for her while following her footprints.

For a bit, I kept calling out her name, until I suddenly heard crying.

I hurried as I followed the sound of crying, before I heard a pained scream as I was still following the sound of crying.

I continued to call Toriel's name out until I finally found her, lying on her side in the snowy ground as she was crying, while she was holding her arm in pain.

"Tori! There you are!" I panted out while I sighed in relief.

"No! Get away from me!" She responded, making me feel really concerned about her.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I walked to her, which she was slowly backing away from me in return.

But, before I could say anything, Toriel suddenly screamed as she fell in the freezing water, making me aware she backed away from me so much, that she didn't know she was backing up into a frozen lake with thin ice.

"TORI!!!" I yelled out, before taking my hoodie, cloak, gloves, lensless glasses and boots off, immediately jumping in the freezing lake to get her out of there.

Toriel's POV 🥧

Cold. Sinking. Struggling. Losing air fast.

I could only try to hold my breath while I tried to swim back up to the surface, trying to get out before I end up losing all of my air or end up getting hypothermia.

Big mistake.

As I tried to swim, I was suddenly smacked against a hard, frozen ice block by the head, making me grunt in pain.

But, after that happened, I saw Ryobo swimming, with his hand outstretched towards me.

I only looked at Ryobo, reaching out to him in return, before I lost every single amount of air in me that I tried to make last longer as much as I possibly could.


I blacked out, losing consciousness, as water began to fill my lungs.

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