ICDI Extra 6: (Side CP - P-Bai)

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The air at the amusement park was filled with the sweet scent of cotton candy.

Children held their mothers' hands, faces filled with happiness and candy clenched in their fists; people of the same age walked alongside one another, laughing cheerfully; couples snuggled intimately together, and some of them were even brazenly kissing and nipping at each other's ears as if nobody was around them...

The entire world seemed to be having a grand time. Only Zhuang Yibai sat on the bench, spacing out, with both hands stuffed in the pockets of his thick down-filled parka.

He stared at the bright Ferris wheel glittering in the distance as Pine's words from earlier that day kept drifting through his mind.

Why didn't he want to play pretend anymore? Even if it was all just for show at the beginning, didn't it become routine later on? Also, setting a photo of them with their arms wrapped around each other's shoulders as his lock screen wallpaper was also something that really close friends would do.

Ignore how Zhuang Yibai was currently firing back retort after retort in his mind—when he was standing in front of Jiang Yusong, he couldn't say a damn thing.

He attempted to analyze whether Jiang Yusong was angry or not. He thought about it for a long time, but... Jiang Yusong seemed to have never gotten mad at him before. Sometimes when Xiao Bai annoyed him by pestering him too much, he would merely frown before quickly returning to normal.

What's more... Jiang Yusong didn't have a reason to be angry, did he?

Xiao Bai slumped against the bench with his head tilted back as he exhaled a mouthful of white mist towards the sky. Then he grabbed his phone and held it up in front of him before he opened up the StarTV app and entered Pine's stream.

The screen was completely dark. Pine wasn't online.

Since he wasn't streaming anyway, why didn't he come to the amusement park with Xiao Bai.


Xiao Bai slowly lifted his head. Still maintaining that same paralyzed salted fish posture, he peered at the two cute petite girls in front of him. "Done already? That was fast."

"It's because we didn't need to line up." The girl blinked. "We want to go on the pirate ship next, you..."

"I'm okay, you two go ahead." Xiao Bai immediately said, "I'll continue looking after your bags."

A little disappointed, the girl let out an "ah." "You really don't want to come?"

Her close friend couldn't take it any longer. "If you don't want to do anything, then why did you even agree to come to the amusement park with Cangshu?"

Actually, Xiao Bai was intending to back out...

He originally wanted to call her and let her know, but then her message unexpectedly popped up saying that they had already left the school and were waiting for him at a milk tea shop nearby.

As a result, he had no choice but to go over with the mindset of being their chauffeur.

This was the same person who was just badgering Jiang Yusong to go bungee jumping together not too long ago. Now, he said without batting an eye, "Sorry, I'm afraid of heights."

The two girls still had a relatively good time. Since they could skip the lines, they went on all the big famous rides in the amusement park. By the time they finished playing to their hearts' content, it was already seven in the evening.

They randomly grabbed something to eat for dinner and rushed over to the castle before it was time for the park's fireworks show.

As expected, it was very crowded in front of the castle. Xiao Bai stood behind the two girls and blocked them from the throngs of people in the back as he absent-mindedly listened to their conversation.

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