Chapter 22

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Jian Rong hadn't expected his own ID to appear in the top comments. In the replies, both sides were fighting fiercely; TTC had more fans, but the water friends from his livestream room could 1v2, so nobody was losing to the other.

Jian Rong had already been insulted a lot before this, and he didn't think much of it.

So when he saw Xiao Bai glaring at him with bitter reddened eyes, he momentarily didn't know how to react.

"...that's just how they are, insulting everyone they come across, they're not targeting you." Jian Rong frowned, attempting to comfort him a little.

Unfortunately, he hadn't mastered this "comfort" skill yet.

As a result, he held himself back for a long time before giving up. "But you're a grown man, you'll still cry after being insulted a tiny bit??"

Xiao Bai rubbed his eyes. "Who's crying from being insulted! How would I cry because of these trolls! As if they deserve it!"

A few seconds later, he added feebly, "Of course, I'm not trying to badmouth your fans..."

Jian Rong was confused. "Then why are you crying?"

Xiao Bai was too embarrassed to say that he was feeling sad for their teammate, who had been suspended because of matchfixing. He felt like saying it out loud was especially useless and unreasonable.

Consequently, he said, "After playing ranked for so many days, I still can't make it up to Diamond 1. My heart feels bitter, is it not okay for me to cry a little!"

Jian Rong: "..."

"What the hell would an assassin-type mid laner like you understand! All you have to do is toss out a skill, annihilate the other side, and your points will skyrocket up! Have you ever thought about how hard it is for us lowly supports to climb? Right now all the ADCs in Diamond are morons!" The more Xiao Bai spoke, the more energetic he got. "And you stole away my jungler!"

Your jungler?

Jian Rong raised an eyebrow, that iota of compassion in his heart for Xiao Bai disappearing like smoke. "I didn't steal him. How is it hard for a support to climb? Didn't PUD's support make it all the way up to Challenger by solo queueing?"

Xiao Bai: "...then aren't you just implying that I'm not as good as him!"

Jian Rong looked away and leaned back in his chair. He said coolly, "If that's how you want to interpret it, I can't do anything about it either."

The atmosphere in the practice room was originally quite sorrowful, but after their short bantering, Yuan Qian burst out laughing from behind them.

Pine set his phone down on the table before he expressionlessly continued to practice waveclearing.

Xiao Bai was so angry that all his tears were gone. Actually, he wasn't usually so melancholy, but today, Kan's long-time fans had sent many old pictures of him and Kan posing together to his private messages, and he inevitably felt moody after seeing too many of them.

He opened LoL, wanting to vent his feelings a little in game.

"What rank are you right now?" Jian Rong asked.

Xiao Bai: "Diamond 4."

"What can you do besides being carried."


Xiao Bai: "How come you're consecutively attacking me—"

"Add that account." Jian Rong repeated, "The ID is 'What Can You Do Besides Being Carried.'"

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