Chapter 66

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Jian Rong actually hadn’t really found anything in his search that night.

Lu Boyuan had made a name for himself too quickly. The first year he joined the team, he became the champion of the LSPL; the second year, he won Worlds, and he became the most legendary person in the entire professional league. At the time, the trainee system wasn’t developed yet, and TTC’s boss had unearthed Lu Boyuan and convinced him to join the team when he was still a solo queue king in the Korean server.

Xiao Bai and Yuan Qian both had pictures and even videos from back when they were trainees or playing in offline tournaments. Lu Boyuan didn’t have any of that.

But his search wasn’t completely fruitless either.

He managed to find a post on a certain Tieba from several years ago. Jian Rong had read the original poster’s message numerous times before he finally understood it—

[Happened 2 see Road @ an internet cafe, dat super strong Road from the Korean server, sooo handsome \\(^o^)/, secretly took 1 pic of his back!]

Last year, the original poster had rediscovered this post—[Fuck, I just realized that this person is actually the current Road ah??!]

The image quality was way too poor, and at first glance it looked like a mosaic was overlaid across it. The photo was indeed only of his back, and the background appeared to be an illegal internet cafe.

Lu Boyuan was wearing headphones, but probably because he felt like they were dirty, he had stuck tissues between the headphones and his ears. There was a cigarette between his fingers, and he was watching one of the earlier LPL matches on his computer.

Jian Rong had also found a photograph of everyone in TTC holding up the trophy during the LSPL finals.

In the picture, Xiao Bai was at least twelve kilograms lighter than he was now, and he looked delicate and silly; Yuan Qian’s figure was the same as ever, tall and robust, and he even had some acne on his face; Pine hadn’t joined the team yet, so he wasn’t in the photo.

Lu Boyuan was standing in the middle, his bangs so long that they pricked his eyes a little. He wore an indifferent expression, which appeared extremely out of place compared to the beaming smiles of the people next to him.

This picture was a little different from what Jian Rong remembered, but in the end, many years had passed since then. At the time, Jian Rong wasn’t even thirteen yet, so it’d be stranger if he could remember it all clearly.

Looking at it now, Lu Boyuan’s hairstyle was a bit outdated, but Jian Rong still felt like he was extremely handsome.

Both of the photos were extremely blurry, but Jian Rong still saved them down.

Before leaving the practice room, Lu Boyuan glanced at the short-sleeved shirt that Jian Rong was wearing, and then he glanced at the cracked open window.

Jian Rong had already matched into a game, and he was currently in the pick/ban phase. Lu Boyuan slipped off his jacket and put it across Jian Rong’s legs. “Go to sleep after this game.”

Jian Rong subconsciously hugged the jacket and responded with a low ‘okay.’

For a few minutes after Lu Boyuan left, Jian Rong continued to hug the jacket. He only picked it up and draped it around his shoulders after he entered the game.

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