Chapter 121

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This was Jian Rong's first time traveling abroad. The flight from Shanghai to Seoul was a mere two hours long, and he only truly felt like he was in a foreign country once he got off the plane and heard the people around him speaking in a language that he couldn't understand.

This time, Jian Rong brought a backpack and a suitcase with him. The primary purpose of the backpack was to carry his and Lu Boyuan's keyboards, because he was worried that they would break if they were placed in the suitcase and subjected to rough handling.

At that moment, he was pushing along two suitcases with his backpack hooked over his shoulders, giving him quite the travel-worn appearance.

A few steps later, someone kneaded the back of his neck. Lu Boyuan had napped for a while on the plane, so his voice was a bit deep. "I'll carry it."

Jian Rong refused. "No need, it's not heavy."

But Lu Boyuan didn't listen to him. He curled his fingers around the backpack strap and lifted it up with one hand. "Take it off."

Jian Rong was afraid that he would hurt his hand if he held the backpack up like that for a long time. He hesitated briefly before he ended up shrugging the backpack off and handing it to Lu Boyuan.

After they went through customs, they were met by a representative who enthusiastically guided the team to the bus.

Since the competition was drawing closer, almost all of them had practiced until three AM last night before going to sleep. They had just napped for two hours on the plane and were even more listless now, so everyone knocked out the moment they got on the bus.

Everyone except for Jian Rong. Even though he had seemed calm and collected on the journey over, this was his first time traveling internationally; inevitably, he was still a little excited.

Right as Lu Boyuan's head drooped down, someone nudged his shoulder gently.

Jian Rong sat up very straight as he tugged his mask down and said, "It's not comfortable to sleep with your head hanging forward like that."

"Mn?" The tail end of the syllable lilted upwards, filled with a bit of exhaustion.

Jian Rong said, "You can sleep on my shoulder."

Lu Boyuan glanced at his thin shoulder and lifted an eyebrow.

That gesture offended Jian Rong, and he immediately narrowed his eyes. "You..."

He swallowed the rest of his sentence back down as Lu Boyuan shifted lower in his seat and rested his head unhesitatingly against Jian Rong's shoulder.

Jian Rong was wearing a shirt made out of a very comfortable material, and his shoulder wasn't as delicate as it appeared either. The aroma of milk-scented shower gel clung to him.

They were sitting in the last row. As Jian Rong heard Lu Boyuan's breathing even out, he carefully pulled out his phone to find a video to watch.

But as soon as he opened the video app, he felt the person on his shoulder nestle a little closer to his neck. The man tilted his head upwards a bit, causing his steady, slightly heavy breathing to land solidly against Jian Rong's neck.

The skin there swiftly started tingling, and Jian Rong's video-searching fingers froze in midair.

A few seconds later, Lu Boyuan tilted his head to the side and pressed a kiss to his neck.

The man's lips were somewhat dry, and when he spoke, his voice sounded quite lazy. "You'll get dizzy watching videos in the car. If you want to watch, do it after we get to the hotel."

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