Chapter 112

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The intermission wasn't very long, and the ten pro players soon returned to the stage. After a short wait, the game entered the second round's pick/ban phase.

PUD had clearly realized their mistake as well, and they no longer tried to compare carry junglers with Lu Boyuan. Instead, they pulled out a tankier Gragas jungle, who was great at engaging and splitting up the battlefield.

"Why isn't Tuotuo choosing his Lillia?" Ding-ge paced around behind them. "I've checked his ranked match history before, he's been playing Lillia a lot recently."

Yuan Qian said, "That champion is also more of a carry jungler. He couldn't really handle it in the last game, and he's probably a bit fearful now after being beaten up by Captain."

"That's true. These new pro players are actually quite fragile when it comes to coping with mental pressure. No matter how well Tuotuo played before, this is still his first time competing in the finals." After Ding-ge said that, he spotted his team's mid laner out of the corner of his eye. "Of course, not all newcomers are like that. There's one who can even feel sleepy when playing in the finals... Jian Rong, are you feeling a little better? A bit more energetic?"

Jian Rong sounded the same as usual. "I'm fine now."

Xiao Bai, sitting nearby: "..."

You're fine now.

But laozi is very much not fine.

Who would lock the main door while using a public restroom? Nobody, right? Normally people wouldn't do that, right?? Especially considering that there were two people inside—did his ge and Jian Rong have some secret strategy they had to discuss? Even if that were the case, they shouldn't have to avoid the rest of the team.

And his lips...

Jian Rong turned his head and squarely met Xiao Bai's gaze. "What? Is the champion select screen on my face?"

Xiao Bai said honestly, "Looking at you boosts my energy."

Jian Rong: "..."

As always, Ding-ge sought Lu Boyuan's opinion. "What jungler do you want to pick? Maybe try choosing Lillia? I noticed that you've been playing her a lot in ranked during the past few days, and you were doing pretty well on her too."

When Lillia was first released, she actually wasn't viewed very highly by the LPL. Everyone was of the opinion that she wasn't suited for pro play.

But Lillia still gained popularity quickly, specifically because the Korean pro players were extremely fond of her and their win rate with her was also especially high. As a result, the LPL players also started picking her up.

However, Lillia didn't have a particularly outstanding track record in the LPL. Her win rate wasn't even 30%.

Lu Boyuan said, "Not Lillia."

A low win rate indicated that they still hadn't done enough research regarding the tactics best suited for Lillia jungle. He also hadn't really practiced Lillia's coordination with his teammates much, so there was no need to force himself to pick her.

In the end, Lu Boyuan chose Kindred. He glanced at 98k, who had locked in his signature champion Renekton, and said, "I'll mainly gank top this game. You guys watch out for yourselves."

Jian Rong had a brief discussion with Ding-ge before he locked in the champion that he had originally wanted to pick in the first place.

Commentator A: "Soft's going with Twisted Fate. Judging from the team comp, TTC's aiming for the early-mid game... however, Savior also got a hold of Orianna, the major late game champion he's best at. Now it all depends on if Soft can coordinate with his teammates in the early game to provide assistance."

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