Chapter 89

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Jian Rong dreamt the entire night.

Training was too tiring, removing the entertainment factor of streaming and running basic drills for skills like last hitting grew somewhat tedious after a while. Since Jian Rong joined the team, he had been dreaming almost every single day.

Thoughts during the day manifested as dreams at night. In his dreams from back when he streamed, he traded insults with the water friends online and challenged them to fights in real life. After entering the team, he solo killed countless professional mid laners in his dreams, and the day he met Fu-ge, he dreamed of receiving a car.

That night, Jian Rong dreamed that he and Lu Boyuan were in the dark alley next to the convenience store.

No pedestrians, no car horns, no Ding-ge.

Upon waking up, Jian Rong’s first instinct was to seize that bird chirping incessantly away outside and bring it back to turn it into soup.

He rubbed his eyes, picked up his other pillow, and covered his face with it.

…why did he have to wake up.

He changed his clothes and went downstairs. At that moment, only he and the auntie were awake in the base.

Five minutes later, Jian Rong sat down in front of his computer, carrying his breakfast. As he stared at the monitor, he chewed on his bread and let his thoughts run wild.

The new patch was officially coming out today on the Korean server. Among the mid lane champions, Katarina and Diana had both been buffed.

LeBlanc was nerfed a bit, but it didn’t affect her terrifying DPS in the early and mid game.

Zac was heavily buffed, but Lu Boyuan didn’t seem to really enjoy playing that jungle champion.

The champions Lu Boyuan liked to play were all on the ban lists.

Whenever one of Lu Boyuan’s champions was banned, he would press his lips together once. That was a small detail Jian Rong had noticed before as he was watching the matches.

Lu Boyuan’s lips were somewhat thin.

Kissing them felt really good……………… fuck.

Jian Rong wolfed down his bread and rubbed his face before he started streaming.

Recently, Jian Rong’s follower count had shot up to be among the platform’s top five. Every time he streamed, a lot of people flooded in, but it was evidently even livelier today than it had ever been in the past.

TTC’s crushing victory in their spring season match last night was no longer a hot topic of discussion anymore, but the comment section underneath the Weibo of the anchor responsible for the post-match interview was still a battlefield.

Many comments from Korean social media sites had already been transported in, and none of them said anything nice. Even now, the topics #Road calling out the anchor# and #when will Soft play on the Korean server# were still hanging onto the bottom of the hot search.

Someone on Tieba even made a record of what happened the hour after the match concluded. Jian Rong’s livestream room gained 120,000 new followers without him starting a single stream, and the amount of people online and present in the livestream room immediately skyrocketed the stream onto the popularity charts. The water friends and passersby who came to watch the show waited eagerly, full of anticipation—

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