Chapter 72

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At 11 PM, everyone was still stuck in the practice room. The amount of training had increased recently, and after a few consecutive days of it, everyone looked a bit tired.

Except for Jian Rong.

He wore a focused expression, and his brows were furrowed very slightly. “Xiao Bai, give me a speed boost and shield, I’m gonna tower dive and kill their mid laner…”

Before he could finish, Xiao Bai’s Lulu raised her magic wand. With a thunk, he slaughtered the minion right in front of Jian Rong.

Xiao Bai: “…”

Jian Rong: “.”

Xiao Bai: “If I said I was extremely sleepy so I rubbed my eyes and then gripped my mouse a little too hard so I accidentally killed your minion—would you believe me?”

Jian Rong’s in-game character froze in place for quite a few seconds before it continued pushing forward. He spat out coldly, “Three.”

Xiao Bai said, stupefied, “Three what?”

Jian Rong: “Since I joined the team, you’ve stolen three minions from me in total.”

“??” Xiao Bai regained his energy. “Are you a grudge-holding spirit?!”

Jian Rong said frostily, “Who made you run over to my mid lane to sleepwalk? Can’t you go screw over Pine?”

Pine: “No. I’m a solo laner tonight, you guys do whatever you want.”

“Play properly. It’s the last match, after this we can rest.” Lu Boyuan checked his gold. “I need 200 more gold to buy Black Cleaver, we can team fight once I get it.”

Jian Rong withdrew when he heard that. “Come eat this wave of minions at mid, I’m going back to base.”


“?” Xiao Bai felt like this was unreasonable. “I eat one of your minions, and you write my name down in your grudge book, but when my ge comes, you immediately let him have a whole wave of minions??”

Jian Rong paused. “Did you not hear him? He’s 200 gold away from buying Black Cleaver.”

“I’m also 200 gold away from buying Ardent Censer, so what?” Xiao Bai said seriously, “There’s no such thing as idols in practice matches. Please be a little more professional, don’t bring your love for my ge into the game…”

Lu Boyuan’s champion halted for a second before he directly and efficiently cleared the wave of minions.

“Like hell I’m bringing…” Jian Rong grinded his teeth. “I just look down on supports, that’s all, and I don’t want to let supports have any gold. What about it?”

“Damn.” Xiao Bai said, “I’m gonna repeat what you just said in its entirety to your fans who play support. You’re finished.”

Though Jian Rong said that, he still ended up flashing in and saving Xiao Bai in the ensuing team fight, at the cost of being instakilled by two clicks of the enemy mid laner’s spells.

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