Chapter 56

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As Jian Rong took off his headphones and headed backstage, the detailed statistics from this game had already appeared on the big screen.

“En?” Commentator A was astonished. “I realized that Soft’s damage output wasn’t as low as I had imagined.”

“How else do you think this game was dragged out all the way to forty minutes? In the middle, there were quite a few team fights where he almost swept away the other side’s damage dealer.” Commentator B lamented, “Unfortunately Fighting Tiger had a Tahm Kench. Their ability to protect allies was way too strong, Soft really couldn’t cleave them down. You could tell that he was already feeling somewhat anxious at the end.”

Back at the break room, the first thing Jian Rong said was, “My fault.”

“It has nothing to do with you, I agreed and let you pick Fizz.” Ding-ge hastily comforted him before he said, “When playing against Fighting Tiger, it’s still best to fight strategy with strategy.”

Jian Rong didn’t nod or speak. If someone had to pinpoint the biggest problem in the last game, it would definitely be him.

In the first place, he wasn’t good at providing assistance. When he encountered opponents who were excellent at assists, this weak point became even more obvious.

But now wasn’t the time for blaming himself or feeling ashamed. He still needed to go back on stage and continue competing.

Lu Boyuan leaned back against the sofa, looking at the statistics from the last game. After the camera cut to the audience, he called, “Xiao Bai.”

Xiao Bai was still passionately retelling the scene of him being pursued by four people earlier. Hearing his name, he turned his head. “What’s up, ge?”

“Take a hard CC champ next round.” Lu Boyuan explained, “Jungler support duo roam.”

Jungler support duo roam, as the name implied, entailed both the jungler and support roaming, driving the rhythm of the entire map. Like this, the success rate of ganking would increase drastically, and they could also gain better vision.

This strategy was quite demanding of the ADC; after all, the ADC would need to farm by himself in the bot lane.

However, luckily Pine was very capable by himself and had no problem farming alone. As a result, the second game’s strategy was settled just like that.

The second game started soon after.

“I’ve already placed the wards. P-baby, be good in the bot lane~” Before leaving to gank with Lu Boyuan, Xiao Bai instructed like an old mother, “If the other support comes up to harass youexercise patience in a moment of anger, and you will escape a hundred days of sorrow. Remember how many times he harasses you, once I make my glorious return I’ll help you get revenge.”

Pine was playing Ezreal, a champion that was top-tier at escaping, so he didn’t need to worry about any of that. He didn’t even bother looking back as he cleared minions. “Can you hurry up and leave.”

Jian Rong was playing Syndra this round, so he had ample CC and damage in the early-mid game.

The moment Lu Boyuan sent his “on my way” ping, Jian Rong instantly flashed and knocked back his spheres, firmly stunning the enemy mid laner on the spot. Lu Boyuan, playing Elise, fired a binding spider web and jumped over, coordinating with the CC from the ult of Xiao Bai’s Leona. All the way up until his death, Da Niu wasn’t able to use his flash skill.

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