Chapter 62

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Following the match, Jian Rong was absent-minded the entire night. After acting as a charity donor in the Summoner’s Rift for an evening, he decided to just simply power off his computer and go downstairs to wait for Lu Boyuan to return.

Then he turned on the match recording as an accompaniment and fervently argued with people on Tieba for three hours straight. However, the commentators’ voices coming from the TV were too sleep-inducing, and all the people trading insults with him on Tieba were also fairly useless, always throwing out the same two or three phrases, unable to come up with anything new. As he threw out insult after insult, he eventually fell asleep.

After the weight on his mind was lifted, Jian Rong came out of the shower and let out an extremely long sigh.

Even though he was also very unhappy about the fine, at least it wasn’t a competition ban.

He casually rubbed his hair a few times before he spotted from the corner of his eye the jacket that he had taken off earlier, and he remembered how Lu Boyuan had just tugged on his zipper…

Jian Rong rubbed his face with the towel before he carefully hung the jacket back up in the closet.

The packages that he had received a few days ago were strewn over the floor. The boxes were filled with all sorts of massagers that Jian Rong had opened and used already.

Jian Rong definitely wouldn’t randomly let Lu Boyuan use these things, so he had tried a few out on himself beforehand. He felt like they all weren’t very effective, and if the last few massagers still weren’t any good, he was going to find the shop owner and have a nice heart-to-heart chat with them.

The next afternoon, Ding-ge came back to the base with some news.

He closed the door to the practice room. “The investigation results are out. That dumbass recently went bankrupt…”

“Serves him right.” Yuan Qian cut in. “But what does him going bankrupt have to do with Jian Rong? It’s not like Jian Rong made him go bankrupt.”

Ding-ge lifted an eyebrow. “He actually did.”

The others were silent for a moment, before they each turned to look at Jian Rong.

Yuan Qian sighed. “Is this the legendary ‘the days have grown cold, let the Wang corporation go bankrupt’1? I’ve experienced it now.”

“Jian Rong, if I’ve ever offended you in the past, it’s all my fault.” Xiao Bai scooted closer. “Last night when we were playing ranked, I didn’t really think you were trash, it’s all because our other teammates and I just couldn’t keep up with your rhythm…”

Jian Rong was in the middle of reading the patch notes for the next game update, and he didn’t bother looking over when he heard that. “If I had that kind of ability, I wouldn’t come and work here.”

“Enough, let’s get back to business.” Now that things were mostly resolved, Ding-ge’s expression also grew much more relaxed, and he finished what he was saying earlier. “That person is a small-scale gambling banker who ran a gambling house.”

Once he said that, everyone understood.

Because of what happened with Kan, TTC’s members were all sensitive to the word ‘gambling.’ Xiao Bai rolled his eyes so hard they almost flew into the sky.

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