Chapter 39

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On the day of the competition, Shanghai dropped in temperature. Thinking that there would be heating in the bus and that the stadium would also be warm, Jian Rong went downstairs after just shrugging on his team jacket. In the end, he was shooed back upstairs by Ding-ge and forced to wear a down jacket over it.

Before leaving his room, Jian Rong hesitated for a very, very long time. Finally, he still tugged down the solitary scarf hanging on his wall.

"You're really using that scarf?" Right after he got on the bus, Xiao Bai asked him that question with wide eyes.

Lu Boyuan looked up. Jian Rong was wearing a white parka, and the gray scarf was wrapped around his neck. He had looped it around too carelessly, and his mouth was entirely covered up by the scarf, making his face appear even smaller.

"I'm wearing it backwards, you can't see the words." It was too cold outside, so Jian Rong exhaled a cloud of white mist when he spoke. "I'll take it off once we get to the stadium anyway."

Xiao Bai let out an "oh" before he looked at Lu Boyuan. "Ge. Why aren't you wearing the scarf that your fans sent you? I saw that the scarves you received were all made very delicately, and there was even a tiny team icon sewn on one, it looked really good."

Lu Boyuan's head was lowered as he played on his phone. "I have too many, so I won't wear it."

Xiao Bai didn't understand. He was about to question him further when Yuan Qian helped answer instead from the side. "After accepting so many scarves, if he wears one that a fan sent, the other fans who also sent scarves will have complaints. It's the safest choice to not wear any of them."

Jian Rong stared down at his own scarf and thought, As long as laozi receives just one more scarf, I'll use this ugly thing to pad the bottom of my chair.

Even though that was what he was thinking, in any case the scarf was around his neck now. Aside from some rather unfilial words being embroidered on it, this scarf was still very warm.

There were two match slots on regular season competition days. Today, they were playing in the second match, and it only started at seven; their opponent was a team that had just come out of the LDL. The first match was Squid versus MFG.

After being scheduled to bump into Squid two times in a row, Ding-ge started to suspect that the LPL was purposefully screwing with him.

"Jian Rong." Before they got off the bus, Ding-ge instructed quietly, "Squid is in the break room next to us. If you see him, just pretend like he's air."

Jian Rong buried his mouth under his scarf. "Mn."

However, once they arrived at the stadium, the first match had already begun.

When they turned on the television broadcast, they just happened to see Kongkong coordinate with his jungler to fight a 4v2 in the bot lane. With one ult from Kongkong, Doufu was directly swept away.

"Doufu is playing even worse than he did last week." Pine concluded indifferently.

"I feel like he's just average in the first place. The main thing is that his looks are alright, so he has a lot of female fans. They always like to brag about him being the next top ADC or something, and with so much boasting everyone ended up believing it." Yuan Qian propped up his head and said, "His positioning is way too awful. In this wave, he managed to accurately walk into the enemy's attack range with every step. That's also a kind of skill..."

"Exactly, like hell he's the next top ADC, can he compare with my P-baby?" Xiao Bai reached out to hook his arm around Pine's shoulders. "My P-baby is taller than him, more handsome than him, and plays better than him!"

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