Chapter 75

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The warmth of Lu Boyuan’s fingertips, bundled in the taste of strawberries, seeped through Jian Rong’s mind. He stayed frozen with his mouth hanging open, making him look a bit foolish.

For a split second, the bustling backstage area suddenly went quiet.

Seeing no reaction, Lu Boyuan lowered his eyes and asked, “Don’t like the flavor?”

His heart thumping wildly in his throat, Jian Rong pushed the hard candy over to the right side of his mouth and replied indistinctly, “Like it.”

Everyone snapped out of it.

The staff member who came to get them let out an “er” sound before repeating, “The computer inspection is finished. If you’re ready, you can head on stage at any time. The match will start in approximately ten minutes.”

“Fuck, isn’t that way too freaking obvious…” XIU muttered out loud to himself, blinking rapidly several times in a row.

Savior gazed at that package in Lu Boyuan’s hand, his eyes burning. “I want, also eat candy.”

“I’ll buy some for you after we’re done with the match.” XIU patted Savior’s head. “Stop watching them, you’re gonna end up being corrupted.”

Savior: “?”

Why would he be corrupted?

Couldn’t quite understand.

PUD’s core top laner, 98k, retracted his gaze. Despite being a Korean import player, he spoke Chinese completely fluently, and he said, “We’re going on stage now, play well. If we win, we can have a happy belated birthday celebration for you tomorrow.”

XIU gave a huff of laughter and followed after him. “And if we lose?”

98k: “We’ll have an unhappy birthday celebration.”

XIU: “…”

After Lu Boyuan did that, never mind the bystanders, even TTC’s members were startled for a moment.

Xiao Bai glanced at the nearby camera before realization dawned on him and he instantly tugged at the hem of Pine’s jacket. “P-baby! Quick! You feed me one too!”

Pine said disdainfully, “No.”

Ding-ge looked suspiciously at Lu Boyuan.

He had already felt like something was off before. Now that Lu Boyuan had fed Jian Rong, it could be considered a knock on his head.

Ding-ge said, “You…”

“Don’t rub your hand against the wall next time.” Lu Boyuan swept a look at Jian Rong’s hand. “Wipe it off, it’s time to go on stage.”

Jian Rong blinked and lifted his hand. Only then did he realize that the fingertips of his right hand were coated with a layer of dust from the wall.

Jian Rong carelessly wiped his hand against his pants, immediately leaving behind a streak of white on the black fabric.

The commentators warmed up the match for quite a while before the two teams finally took their seats.

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