Chapter 74

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Because of what happened with the stream, the flimsy friendship between TTC’s mid laner and support temporarily shattered for a day.

Or rather, their mid laner one-sidedly cut off their support for a day.

In the practice match, Xiao Bai, as Leona, walked towards the mid lane. “I’m coming to mid to help you gank a wave.”

As Jian Rong finished eating his minions, his blue buff also ran out, and he directly went back to base. “Don’t come.”

Xiao Bai: “Don’t be like that. I have my flash and my ult, we can definitely kill them.”

“I can kill them on my own.” Jian Rong asked coolly, “Do you see the ward I placed next to the river?”

Xiao Bai: “?”

Jian Rong said, “Before the first turret in your bot lane is destroyed, don’t take a step past that ward, and all will be well. Got it?”


Xiao Bai said, wronged, “I just blurted out a fact without thinking, do you have to go this far? I also often say that I’m going to crawl into P-baby’s bed at night ah! Actually, the fans only take this sort of thing at face value, they won’t really think that you and my ge did you-know-what—”

Jian Rong’s fingers paused. Syndra, who was in the middle of recalling to base, took a step forward and canceled the action. At the same time, Lu Boyuan’s Sett just happened to pass by him.

Jian Rong could tell that Lu Boyuan was on his way to clear the wolf camp. When Lu Boyuan saw Jian Rong cancel his animation to go back to base, he also stopped alongside him.

One mid laner and one jungler inexplicably froze under their team’s tower for two seconds.

Jian Rong: “…”

Jian Rong resisted the urge to stuff the mouse into Xiao Bai’s mouth, and he squeezed out from between his teeth, “Shut up.”

They won six practice matches that night and lost one. After they finished, they went over to the meeting room.

Three coaches were present today. The three of them started off by discussing the ban and pick phase for their match against PUD the next day, chiming in one after another. The team members all sat in their respective chairs and played on their phones while waiting for the review of the practice matches to begin.

Lu Boyuan sat in a relaxed posture and listened to the coaches extremely casually, up until he sensed the person sitting next to him repeatedly glance in his direction.

The fourth time Jian Rong peeked over, Lu Boyuan turned his head and asked, “What is it?”

“…nothing.” Jian Rong was holding his phone with two hands. A few seconds later, he spoke again. “The animal hospital sent me some pictures of Little Orange.”

Lu Boyuan said, “Let me see.”

Jian Rong had been getting by on his own ever since he was quite young, so he wasn’t very accustomed to seeking out others and sharing things with them.

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