Chapter 111

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After giving out those two skills, Lulu continued recalling to base. Nidalee paused for a second as she was passing by before she raised her hand and gave Lulu, who was in the middle of channeling, an unnecessary heal. Then she vanished back into their team’s jungle.

Question marks first filled the entire broadcast barrage, followed by—

[It’s reciprocal (confident).]

[The director is quite the expert. Look at how the four people in the bot lane are already fighting to the point that their icons are overlapping in the minimap, yet the director can still switch over to the mid lane to show us this.]

[And they’re both using the Snowdown Showdown skins…]

[If you cover their IDs, I feel like I’m watching those big esports accounts submit article drafts. The content of the draft is: “Why date in the Rift, are these two poor fools too broke to go to the movies?”]

[Soft has someone he likes already, and Road also has a partner. Respect the pro players a little, can you all stop shipping them??]

[Nobody said that the person Soft likes isn’t Road, and nobody said that Road’s partner isn’t Soft.]

[Holy shit???? The sister above, wait a second??? How come I’m getting this feeling that I’ve been utterly and supremely enlightened?!!!]

[In the pre-game trash talk, he made it sound like he was going to set off for Korea tonight to pummel HT, but after he got on stage, he’s out there on a healer Lulu tenderly lingering with Road.]

The three commentators were also rather stupefied.

Commentator A: “Ah this. This… this is probably because Soft sensed what we were talking about and wanted to tell us with his actions—he does know how to shield his teammates!”

Commentator B nodded repeatedly. “Correct. And also, what’s wrong with playing Lulu? She has a long range and strong skills, so it’s quite interesting to lane with her. Look how happy Soft is playing her—”

Right as Commentator B said that, the little bluenette in the bottom right corner of the screen switched his camera focus out of sheer boredom as he made his way back to his mid lane. He checked in on the four bot laners, who were engrossed in an intense, all out battle, and his eyes revealed a rare trace of envy.

In the end, after he switched back to his own perspective, he still couldn’t stop himself. In front of more than 100 million people watching the broadcast nationwide, he opened his mouth wide, and without making any attempt to hide it—he gave an enormous yawn.

At that moment, half of the spectators felt like they were watching themselves sit impatiently through class in high school.

The other half was infected by him and couldn’t help but also freaking yawn.

There were fun aspects of playing a healer, and it was suited for those altruistic, motherly players who wanted to save the common people and cherished the world—except Jian Rong wasn’t one of them.

The reason he picked Lulu was because Xiao Bai’s signature champion, Thresh, had been freed. Xiao Bai had expressed his 200% desire to play Thresh in the team voice chat, but Ding-ge had used the “not good at protecting the ADC” rationale to refuse.

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