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Seher's POV

The alarm had been ringing for 15 minutes. And finally i woke up actually i was already awake but you know it's so impossible to wake up on the right time that's why i always put an alarm of 15 minutes before.

Do you guyzz do that?.. tell me through your comments.

I heard mom was knocking on the door. So i covered myself with blanket from head to toe so she couldn't see my face and dropped my head back down on the pillow. I closed my eyes just to pretended to be asleep.

The door opened. I could hear her footsteps walking around the bed.
 she was trying to wake me up but i was smiling under the blanket.
"Seher, Seher what is this, wake up my child otherwise you'll get late for your college and i don't think you'd love to be late on your first day of college" mom said while pulling my blanket. But i was just smiling and holding it tightly.
I thought she heard my voice that's why she pulled it with all her strength.
"Mummy, what are you doing I'm sleeping right now, can't you see!" i said while doing my all efforts like I'm in a sleep.

But mom is mom, she knows everything, i don't know how, but she already knew that i was just doing acting.

"Yah yah, i know you were just doing acting, and if your acting has failed again then can you please wake up now, because it's already 7:15" mom said.

"What 7:15, ohh god, couldn't you get me up earlier?" I said while getting up from the bed and moving towards the bathroom.

"What?, i didn't get you up or you were busy in your failed acting" mom  grumbled.

I heard the door closing sound, so i thought she left.
I brushed my teeth, took a quick shower, wrapped myself in a towel and came out from the bathroom.
I chose a dark blue jeans and a creamy off shoulder top and wore it quickly. From the right hand i was drying my hairs with the drier and from the left hand i was applying a lip gloss on my lips and then wore my favourite watch, which my father gifted me on my 18th birthday.

When my hair dried completely, I tied them in a ponytail with a few strands fanning on my face.

I went down and sat beside my father.
"Good morning, daddy" i wished him.

"Good morning beta, come let's have some breakfast quickly then I'll drop you to your college" he replied.

Mom came out to the kitchen with an omelette for me ofcourse.
I took it from her and started eating it in hurry.
" Eat it slowly, otherwise you'll chock" mom said with her worry tone.

"If I'd not eat it quickly then I'll be late, and i don't want to late on my first day" i replied while having a last bite of my omelette.
I knew she was staring at me.

"Let's go fast" i said while running towards the gate but not before saying 'Allah hafiz' (bye) to my mother.

My dad followed me to the car. We sat and he pushed the accelerator pedal and drive faster.

I watched the time, thank god 10 minutes are left.

"Fast daddy fast" i said in a bit loud voice but not that much loud because he is my father ofcourse.

"don't worry we'll be on time" daddy said with a soft voice.

Finally we reached to the college.

"Bye, take care" i said while getting off from the car and waved to him. I didn't turn but i know that he waved me back.

I went inside the college where my best friend Saba had been waiting for me.

I saw her looking at me with a stern look on her face, she gestured her hand and i also did the same.

I walked to her and we hugged each other.
Saba is with me since my childhood and we are like best of friends, we share everything with each other.  She is a very sweet girl;  She has brown hair up to the shoulder; her eyes are honey in colour; she  is like me but she is an extrovert which I'm not. sometimes i want to be like her; i always admire her bold behaviour.
"Seher, you know what, from now on I'm not going to talk to you, and do you know why?" She grumbled.

"Why? I didn't do anything, i am so innocent just look at me" i pouted.

"Ohh plzz, don't make these kind of faces infront of me, I'm not going to melt with your antics, and do you know that I've been waiting for you for half an hour and you came so late, everytime you do this to me, but today I'm not going to spare you" saba shouted and turned her face to the other side while crossing her hands on her chest.

"Okay Ms. Saba, I'm sorry, I'm really really very very sorry, i won't do this again, promise" i said while making the most innocent face.

"Youu! --- everytime same dialogue, you'll never improve and stop making these kind of faces" she complaint.

"Okay, let's go" i said while pulling her towards the classroom.
We both went to the class. After taking all the classes, we both came out from the college.

"Oh god, it was a hectic day, wasn't it?" I said while massaging my shoulder.

"Hmm" saba sighed.
We hugged each other "bye, see you tomorrow" we both said and walked towards our respective homes.


 My college was bit far from my home, so i booked a taxi.
While waiting for the taxi, i was thinking about the whole day.
"It was stressful, but i enjoyed and the teachers were so nice to everybody, and also the college was so massive, I've heard about this college but i never saw it, so from now on this is my college" i said with excitement, talking to myself.

When the taxi arrived, i went inside and told the pin code to the driver and he started driving.
After reaching home, i lightly went inside my house and put my bag quietly on the couch and slowly i went into the kitchen, my mom stood back facing, i secretly went to her and scared her.

"Bhoooo!!" i screamed near her and started laughing like a maniac. She screamed in horror.

"Ya Allah, you scared me" mom said while putting one hand on her heart and second hand was beating me on my back.

I laughed and hugged her.
"I'm sorry" i said while laughing.

"Now go and fresh yourself" mom said while putting some snacks in a plate.

I went to my room, freshened up and changed my clothes in a comfortable long frock.

I came downstairs and sat on the couch where snacks were already there on the table.

I picked up a cupcake and started eating, mom came and sat beside me.

"So, how was your day" mom asked.

"It was good but I'm so tired" i uttered and took a sip of my coffee.

We both chatted for some time. And i helped my mother in some kitchen work. After all that, my dad came from his office. i took his handbag from his hand and placed it in his cupboard.
Then we all sat together and had dinner together with all the talks and laughter.
I was lying on my bed, Just thinking about how lucky I'm, to have this beautiful and happy life. My dear parents are the best parents in the whole world.
 "May Allah always keep my family happy like this" i prayed and added "and me too".

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