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He was breathing hard looking at the rouge with fearful eyes as he pushed himself behind. It was clearly that the rouge was surprised and confused when it looked at his friend melting down like butter, how didn't they smell silver on him, he asked himself. Ryan was near them, they would have smelt it already but no, he had to surprise them.

The rouge wanted to change into its human form to at least ask Ryan what he had used to mask silver but one look at Reed it continued to attack.  Reed had spared its life and this was it's time to show appreciation to the man. It had to prove its worth and if it kills this human maybe Reed will let him go.

The rogue growled at Ryan making Ryan's heart to pound hard, this was going to be a big fight Ryan can feel it. Looking back at his mate, Franklin, jade and the elders who were all looking at him with pity in their tired eyes, he knew he had to do everything in his power to save them. These were Troy's people and he had to help them. He felt that need to do so, he had to do something.

Neil looked away from Ryan, the guilty flushing through his eyes was too much, Neil can't believe he was this stupid, he would have not done that to Ryan, he would have followed Ryan's plan now the human was dealing with the bastard on his own and once again he was useless, he was going to watch Reed kill his mate like he watched him kill his family. He was powerless and vulnerable.

Neil forced himself to look at Ryan and the determined look in the human's eyes made him hopeful. Maybe Ryan can beat the rouge, but deep inside he knew Ryan couldn't, though Neil wanted to encourage him even though he knew he wouldn't make it. Neil nodded at him in encouragement blue eyes showing nothing but I believe in you which made Ryan smile at him nodding at Neil too as he looked back at the rouge. Somehow that encouragement made Ryan to calm down a little. Though he knew Neil was forcing it, he didn't believe in him but Ryan had that urge to prove him wrong.


He started calculating in his head what to do to kill this rouge as he pushed himself on his feet breathing in and out, Reed had killed Neil's family, he had killed his people, he had hurt Ryan himself but was he going to give up now. "Just give up" Reed seethed "I always win little boy, you should know that by now" Reed laughed hysterically.

"Not if I'm still alive" Ryan replied trying to look for something which can put this dog in front of him down. He knew a bullet won't put him down, but what. 

"Louis finish him now, we don't have all day" Reed ordered making the rouge to attack Ryan who jumped out of the way dodging the attack but the beast continued to attack him in full force. Ryan knew nothing could save him right now instead he had to suck it up and kill this stupid motherfucker like a man but deep inside he was scared.

"Dante where the hell is the truck" Ryan heard Reed ask.

"On its way sir" Dante replied.

"Ok, just move your ass down the basement and pack all our stuff while I enjoy this fight" Jett moved hurriedly to do what his father had instructed but all his thoughts and mind were on Ryan. He didn't want Reed to kill his brother, but Reed isn't a person to joke around with. Jett fears the man to the core "Dante call them, I need that truck here in five minutes" he ordered sitting on the stool in front of Neil pulling his chin up glaring at him as Dante muttered on it, sir.

"I'm going to kill your mate in front of your eyes as I did with your useless family and after I will go hunt down your useless son and cut him in pieces like I did your sister"the man laughed like a mad man. Neil whined trying to free himself and kill the bastard "look at that" he forced Neil to watch Ryan being tackled down by the wolf as tears gathered in his eyes, seeing his mate in pain.

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