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Ryan watched Troy strut out with wide eyes at what the little alpha had said. It took him a few minutes to understand what his son had said as he pushed the chair away getting up quickly to go after him. He told the rest to keep enjoying. Ryan didn't know that Troy knew already though Ryan was just stupid, Troy is a genius boy, he can see the resemblance between him and Neil though he didn't know that he will figure it out that he was his father.

The table was quite Still processing the new  current information not knowing what to do with it. Neil couldn't help it as he to stood up following behind his mate who was scared shitless. If today was the day to tell Troy the truth,Neil has to be there. He wants to take all the blame so that Troy can't get mad at his mother plus all this is his fault, if he didn't do what he did all this wouldn't have happened in the first place so if Ryan decides to tell Troy the truth Neil is ready for the out come.

"Troy wait.." Ryan called when he saw Troy walking out of the restaurant. He ran towards him in a hurry when he was out of the door, the moment he caught up with him Ryan just hugged his son tightly when he saw him cry. This broke Ryan's heart seeing his son cry like this on his special day and he knew he failed as a mother.

"Why are you lying to me" Troy asked in a pained broken voice which made Ryan to swallow regretting his choice to lie to Troy in the first place. Troy pushed his mother away as he looked him in the eye hoping that Ryan would tell him the truth eventually.

"I-I-don't- um um" Troy shook his head when Ryan looked away from him which showed that he wasn't ready to talk.

"We don't lie to each other mum remember" Troy sobbed painfully.

"I didn't lie to you" Ryan mumbled under his breath but Troy heard him loud and clear.

"You mean to tell me that you didn't lie to me about my real father" Troy asked in disbelief. He didn't know why his mother was lying to him when the truth is in front of him.

"Um I d-" Ryan stuttered, he wasn't ready to tell Troy the truth today. He knew his son was going to hate him and this was the last thing he wanted. He hid the truth from Troy for his selfish reasons, hiding Troy the truth benefitted him not knowing that it will hurt Troy dearly.

"You know what Ryan, don't say anything. I will sleep at the mansion" with that Troy passed by Ryan and Neil going back inside after glaring at Neil with anger in his eyes. Ryan's eyes were wide, Troy had never called him Ryan meaning he was so damn angry. Neil didn't know what to do at this very moment when Ryan burst out crying in pain. He gritted his teeth his fingers tightened in to a ball as his heart ached for the pain his mate was going through.

Though he doesn't understand why Ryan is not telling Troy the truth about him. Neil walked towards Ryan as he pulled him in to a tight hug which surprisingly Ryan accepted wrapping his hands around the alpha's waist sobbing in his chest.

"He hates me" Ryan sobbed trying so hard to control himself but remembering what Troy had called him his heart aches painfully.

"No he doesn't" Neil tried to console his mate but the pained sobs coming out of him showed him that he wasn't calming down at all. "Um Ryan..." Neil hesitated as he swallowed hard not knowing how Ryan will take this "why...." Neil inhaled deeply pushing Ryan out of the hug looking him in the face "why don't you tell him the truth" Neil said "it's not like I want to take him away or something no, I mean it's my fault this happened, he will hate me not you" Neil suggested.

Ryan pushed himself out of Neil's hands stepping away from the alpha "I can't tell him" Ryan said

"Why? He already figured it out, the more you lie to him the more you're hurting him and hurting yourself too" Neil argued.

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