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To say that Neil wasn't shocked would be understatement, Neil was shocked beyond disbelief. He had been asking himself the same question over and over again and he couldn't come up with a proper explanation and the only one with answers was Ryan but he was sure Ryan wouldn't tell him a thing. How could it have have happened, he wouldn't believe his eyes when they met Troy. The boy was a total photocopy of himself and he was calling Ryan mother. Why was he calling him mother. That confused Neil to no end.

Did Neil impregnate him when he--  he trialled off his thoughts,no he couldn't, Ryan is a man and men don't get pregnant. Neil knows very well that Ryan is a man with a dick, he fucked him years ago and he had a dick, Neil is so sure about that and he was so sure that no man can get pregnant. It's just logical or did Ryan turn himself in to a woman. That was common these days but Neil was sure that even though he was turned in to a woman, he can't get woman gentiles.

But, Neil smelled the boy, he instantly knew that the boy was his but where did he come from. His wolf was excited to meet its kid but Neil doesn't get it all. Or he gotten some human chic pregnant and he didn't know about it. That might be it but Neil wasn't a person to associate with the humans. Matter of fact he hates them.  Therefore that was off the table, he wouldn't have gotten a human pregnant and the women he had slept with are all mated and happy so where does Troy come from.

That was the very question.

His wolf was happy to see his mate in spite of many years and Neil was surprised to see him here in all places. Neil thought he had died according to the condition he left him, Ryan was in a bad shape, bleeding and unconscious hence why was he still alive. That's why he never looked for him again, Neil knew he wouldn't survive but he did. No wonder his wolf was excited to come to Buma, when Neil smelled him he couldn't believe it, he thought he had a second chance mate which was impossible because they were fated to one mate forever but when he smelled that scent which had Hunted him most nights he knew instantly that it was the human he abused.

Neil is still angry at his mate, he hasn't forgotten what he did to him and the moment he saw him again all he wanted to do was to jump him and kill him but his wolf has other plans. He can't concentrate when all his wolf thinks about  is pounce at its mate and mark him. Yet Neil still has that hatred for the man. He was the man who killed his family, he can't forget that though whenever Ryan is on top of him punching him to death, Neil doesn't know what happens but he feels weak, like he couldn't hurt him which upsets him to core.

Neil always wonders why the moon goddess fated him with such a heartless person like Ryan. Yes moon goddess knows best, he can't question her but how can she pair Neil with a person who killed his family and on top of that a human, Neil is an alpha, he needed a strong mate, not a human whom won't be able to fight for his people and most of all Ryan was a man with a dick, Neil wasn't in to dicks, he is in to woman, he likes boobs, soft bodies and a most of all he enjoys fuckin a vagina.

Since his young years he had fucked only woman, he had never looked at another man differently until his mate. Neil can't deny that his mate wasn't mesmerising no he was indeed beautiful with those dark brown eyes which looks at Neil was anger but still he pulls it off, high cheekbones, dark brown short curls on top of his head, that sharp pointed nose with his soft looking plump full red lips. He had grown over the years, Neil can see that he was toned with abs and pecs under those fabrics of his. Ryan wasn't the same boy he met years ago.

Neil can see the difference.

The boy he abused was fragile,naïve and so damn innocent but the man he was seeing now was a very different person, he is tough and to hell he can punch. Neil knows how Ryan's punch hurts, he had gotten a share of those. Call Neil stupid but he likes what he sees. Neil still feels anger in his veins flowing whenever he sees Ryan and damn he wants to hurt the human more and this time so slowly but the desire was taking over his body. Neil is conflicted, why hate someone so bad, you feel like wanting to struggle them and at the same time want them so bad. Neil doesn't understand it at all.

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