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He had never been this happy in his entire life.

Ryan drove straight to his house with a dashing smile on his lips. He can't believe he finally did what he had been wanting to do since the incident, he can't believe he left the mighty alpha on the floor with blood all over his stupid face. Oh God, it was satisfying and amazing. Seeing the blood oozing from that bastard's face was a dream come true, seeing the humiliating face on the bastard's face and how angry he was when Ryan punched him again was a sight Ryan couldn't want to forget. Ryan remembers how that man left him, with blood and bruises all over his body, his ass was bleeding and it took months to heal, he remembers the pathetic way he begged the man to let go and he didn't fuckin stop and if it weren't for people to be around Ryan would have killed the bastard.

Though,Ryan didn't want witnesses, he had to remember his son. How will he be when he gets locked up but if Ryan sees the devil again he will surly kill him.

The important thing today was that Ryan  didn't run like a coward, no, he stood up at that monster and he actually hit him in the face not once or twice but countless times, "oh" that felt good in a way Ryan couldn't comprehend. When Ryan reached his house, he was so antagonising happy, he started cleaning his house whilst humming at a certain song in his head with a smile on his face. Ryan was like a born again with no problems, with no thoughts, he really felt nothing inside, the only feeling in his heart was freedom. It's like he was freed from the chains that were biding him and now they are unlocked. He flickered around his house and everything was spotless "yes" he squeaked happily.

"Now time to take a relaxing bubble bath" Ryan said to himself walking towards his bathroom drawing a warm bath in his small bathtub. Pouring in his cinnamon body wash making form and bubbles. Ryan ran towards the kitchen retrieving a bottle of red wine and a glass which he took in the bathroom with him. He striped naked getting in slowly putting on jazz music which was his favourite as he started taking a bath whilst taking small sips on his wine. Ryan was happy, the more he pictures the devil's face full of blood, the more his smile widens

Imagine Ryan had lost his job but that was the least of his worries right now. He will look for another job but for the mean time he will go take care of the mansion and take  care of his second favourite person. He took a very long bath singing to the music softly, his heart full of joy. For the first time in years Ryan wasn't thinking, he was so calm and he thanked God for this. Today was the second best day of his life the first one was the day he gave birth to Troy.  Ryan was so happy the day he held his son in his arms, looking at how fragile, innocent and pure he was, Ryan was at the moon. Ryan got out of the bathtub slinging his towel around his waist walking to his bedroom taking the half bottle of wine with him.

He went through his wardrobe pulling out black fitted jeans and a white tank top which he knew looked good on him. He wanted to look, not that he wanted attention from any body no, he just wants to look good for himself, and hell he looked hot. Ryan knows that he was a good looking man, with his brown short hair, full lips, long eyelashes, heart shaped face, brown eyes and Sharp jawline and when it came to his body, he was just blessed. Ryan really was a handsome man every man would want him but he didn't want them,that's the bad thing. He finished looking himself in the mirror and Ryan liked what he saw.

He pulled on his boots in a hurry, seeing that it was time to pick up Troy. Ryan picked up his wallet and phone quickly switching off the lights and locking the door behind him. He walked to his car clambering in as he switched on the radio humming to the song which was on but in normal sense Ryan didn't know the song at all. He was too happy to even notice. He was tapping on the steering wheel a smile not leaving his lips at all and if punching that monster felt this good then Ryan would be gladly to punch him over and over again but the good thing he wasn't gonna see again but if he sees him again, Ryan will not hesitate to kick his ass.

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