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"Nice to see you again dear family," Ryan said confidently looking at the men in front of him who were staring at him like they had seen a ghost or something, his heart was breaking to pieces because of his love. If only they listened to him non of this would have happened. 

Reed, Dante and Jett were surprised yet again confused asking themselves what Ryan was doing here, Reed looked at his son who he kicked out of the house in a cruel way standing in front of him. He never thought Ryan could make it but seeing him well, surprised him. Reed blinked twice rubbing his eyes to make sure they weren't lying to him. Is it really his youngest son standing in front of him. He asked himself.

"Ryan h...w..Di..." Jett was the first to break the silence shock littering in his voice, stuttering not knowing what to say as a small smile appeared on his lips looking Ryan up and down he couldn't believe that his younger brother was here well and healthy, Reed always said that Ryan was weak who wouldn't survive this world but he was here in front of him and how much he had missed him.

"Don't even think about it" Reed's murderous voice made Jett to halt in his steps when he was about to walk to his brother, he wanted to touch him to see if this was real. Jett wanted to hold him in his arms like they did when they were young. Looking at his father who had fire in his eyes, Jett stepped back in his spot quickly not wanting to anger the man. One thing for sure Reed wasn't happy to see Ryan at all.

"Oh dear daddy, aren't you going to say hi," Ryan said sarcastically putting his hands over his chest pretending that it hurt yet he wasn't hurting at all. Seeing his family again, Ryan thought he will be emotional but Nah he wasn't at all the hate just multiplied more, most especially when he looked at Reed this close.

"I told you I never wanted to see you again" Reed's venomous voice rang through the room shutting up the werewolves who were groaning in pain Neil didn't want to look at Ryan, so ashamed at what he did, Ryan saw that shameful look in his eyes as he shook his head, how did they get caught yet they didn't kill a single soul. Ryan was still asking himself that "you must have a good reason why you're here or else this time I will not spare your useless life" Reed barked at him.

"Oh straight to the point as usual, things never change, I guess" Ryan chuckled lowly breathing out "ok I won't waste my time and I won't waste yours either" Ryan said "I'm here to take these people with me, simple" Ryan pointed at the Weres smiling at Reed.

"That won't happen!" Reed gritted his teeth.

"And why is that?" Ryan questioned with fake confused eyes.

"I don't need to explain myself to you little boy, just turn around and go back from where you're coming from and mind your business or I won't hesitate to put a bullet in your head" Ryan didn't flinch at all at the threat instead he just put on a big smile on his face.

"Matter of fact daddy dearest this is much much my business," Ryan said mockingly.

"I'm not your daddy" Reed seethed

"Oh my bad" Ryan replied with a chuckle. Jett was looking at his brother and wow he had changed over the years, he is more confident and he can really talk back to Reed, Jett admired that, he wishes he can be like that but man Reed is a scary man.

"So little boy tell me how this is your business" Reed walked towards Neil punching him in the guts which made Neil to choke coughing up blood his wolf struggling to come out but it can't because of the cuffs on his wrists and the wolf's bane. "Or you want to join the family business" Reed added digging his nails inside Neil's chest making the said alpha to grunt in pain at the torture. Ryan noticed that Reed was wearing some sort of a ring that somehow burns Neil.

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