Unity Day- Part One

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The Ball room is large with white pillars on the outside of the room with a large golden chandelier floating with sliver flames being magically conjured from it.  Below it is a large empty floor or rather it would be if not for the dozens of people gather in it. Long tables cover the perimeter filled with drinks and foods from all over Etheria.

Servants scatter quickly attending to people needs. Ash enters through main entrance along side Merry but her attention is taken by a large throne at the top of the central stairs that lead to a large throne with several smaller thrones beside it. Each representing a Queen and their companion.

"Holy shit there's a lot of people here." Ash says wearing a orange and cream colored waterfall dress.

She looks out at the dozens of people all mixed species dressed in fancy attire. She glances to outside of the ball floor to see Etherian officers well dress in ceremonial Golds and sliver plated armor with long spears engraved with first ones writing.

"Come on Ash act a little professional." Merry says wearing a white and blue simple dress. Ash snaps back to attention turning to merry.

"Relax it's a party, you know a place to have fun." Ash says grabbing her hand while running to her squad mates.

"Look you two playing dress up." Kal says

"Both of you look nice!" Ari says

"You too, I noticed the new gold paint." Ash says

"I just thought having Etheria's colors would be neat." Ari says

"It'll expose you during missions." Siren says

"Isn't that King Sullivan?" Ash says pointing at a tall tree humanoid.

"Is he still a King?" Ari says

"Um actually I don't know." Merry says

"Yes, since Catra is an empress he can still hold is title of King." Siren says

"Speaking of which Queen Stella is here as well." Ash says

"Etheria has control of over 200 planets. Less than 50 of them have reach the point of space travel. Only the planets that have reached that point were invited to this celebration." Siren says

"Why only them?" Ari says

"Because they have enough power to threaten Etheria. Empress Catra knows that she can't oversee every planet. So gives them enough power to run themselves yet all are forced to obey Etherian Laws." Kal says

"They can threaten us?" Ash says narrowing her eyes.

"Yes and no, They can raise up and fight but they'd be slaughter. I'm sure Kal meant they would merely cause her majesty a head ache that's all." Siren says

"Geez say that first, also where is her majesty?" Ash says

"Um I actually don't know." Merry says

The ball room suddenly grows quite as the Queens enter through the main entrance. A soft sound of gears turning underneath them. The floor shifts into a runway leading a narrow path to the stairs from the entrance.

"Entering Queen Frosta of the Kingdom of Snows." A servant says

Frosta enters wearing a crown made of ice, long sleeved dark blue colored dress embroidered with white snowflake design on the sleeve. She walks forward with a cold but dignified expression.

"Entering Queen Perfuma and Scorpia of the Kingdom of Plumeria."

Perfuma skips forward wearing green and red dress that's covered in beautiful array of different colored flowers. Along with a mantle leaves changing from green to red then to brown. Along with a antler formed crown. Along side her is Scorpia wearing a sleeveless white dress shirt with black bow tie.

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