"Okay, you haven't killed him yet, have you?" Mateo says, chuckling.

"No not yet, but I probably will. Did you know that we have to not only share a room but a bed too?"

"Nope but that's hilarious," he says laughing. I can tell he is definitely getting a kick out of this which only annoys me more. "You guys can cuddle! Oh, I need a picture of that."

"Mateo next time I see you I am going to actually beat the shit out of you."

"Don't seduce him while you're there." What the fuck Mateo?

"Okay one, do you know who we are talking about? And two, I'm not the whore, that's him." I say matter-of-factly. It's no secret that Alex can't keep his dick in his pants and has seduced half of Chicago. I've heard this from Mateo numerous times.

"Good point."

"How's Luca doing?" I ask laying down.

"Good, he's been training nonstop. I'm really proud of him." I think a lot of the guys can agree that they would do anything to protect Luca. I mean I don't know how you wouldn't love him.

"Good to hear, well keep me updated and I'll do the same."

"Sounds good, bye."

"Bye." Line disconnects.

I can't fight the need for sleep. I just tell myself I'll rest my eyes and stay awake.

Yeah, that didn't work out too well.


It's dark, like really dark and I hear people talking. The voices are familiar but I can't tell who it is. I try looking around but it's dark everywhere.

"Well look who's up," Marco says with an evil grin.

"D-dad?" I try to stand up to hug him but I am tied to a chair.

"What's going on, why am I tied to the chair?" I ask, looking around once again. I can see all of Marcos' men around me, all the men who have been torturing me for years. Then I notice another chair, it's too dark for me to see who is in the chair but I know I need to save them.

"Dad, please. What's going on?" I ask again but he only laughs.

All of a sudden I feel my body being shaken.

"Anala... Anala" I instantly sit up, throwing a punch in the process with instinct. Alex catches my fist and looks into my eyes. 

"Are you okay?" He asks, his eyes softening and his tone now quieter. I nod, looking away and not saying anything. I know he doesn't believe me but he brushes it off.

"Sorry to wake you up but your food is here." He says and stands up walking to the desk, I follow him silently. He hands me a box with a plastic fork and a napkin on top.

"Thanks," I say without emotion. I mentally thank him for not questioning or making a big deal out of it.

He looks at me once again but doesn't say anything. Just before I could say anything to make a conversation a small piece of orange chicken was thrown at me, hitting me in the cheek. I look at Alex to see him attempting to hold back a laugh.

"What th-" Before I could even finish my sentence, rice is in my hair. Without thinking, I throw some chicken at Alex and it surprisingly landed straight into his mouth. I can't help but laugh and Alex joins me.

"I'm gonna have to take another shower now," I say, rolling my eyes.

"You're smiling though. That's something," he says before shoving rice into his mouth.

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