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In only a short part of the chapter, mention of:
Rape and assault
Body shame

11 am:

Three days had past and Jules was going to be released after changing the dressings. During the previous two days, everyone had visited her, except for Sebastián. The first day John informed her that it was because he was busy with his new house, second day that he was urgently called to office. But Jules knew better. She knew he was avoiding her and even though it hurt her, she smiled thinking that maybe he was angry and will eventually forget her. To Jules, being forgotten wasn't anything new. Her friends and family did it so why couldn't Sebastián? He only knew her for a few months...

Summer only lasts that long...

Jules suddenly heard a knock on the door and in came Sebastián. She was only slightly shocked that he'd arrive just when she was thinking about him but then she remembered she has been thinking for days straight. What surprised her more were the light circles under his eyes and that exhausted look he had.

Neither knew what to say as he awkwardly stood by the door for a couple of seconds.

"Hey..." Jules first spoke in a low voice that was barely audible.

"Hey... How have you been?" He asked as he walked up to the foot of her bed.

"... fine, I guess..." She wanted to asked about his new house, his days, his health but she already could see her answers.

"So... You'll be discharged today. Got any plan?" Sebastián was almost hopeful that she didn't have a plan.

"Yeah... My friends found a nurse. She'll stay till I get on my feet again..." Jules didn't lie, Raiders did find a nurse for her and she was certified clean. So Sebastián didn't have anything to worry about like in the case of Henry.

"That's good, I guess... When will she come?" He sounded defeated. Was he late? Did he mess things too bad?

"She'll come before I'm discharged which should be later today..."

"And you'll stay at your house?" He asked, as if he had to make sure that she wasn't going to disappear.

"That's the plan..."

She only answered his questions, not ones asking anything from him. She didn't move her eyes away from his, as if she waited, challenged him for the next question. Jules hated the fact that she could be this cold. She hated the fact that she was hurting him, mocking him for even being at the hospital. But to chase him away, Jules didn't know what else to do. 'If he hates me, he'll leave me.' That was the only solution Jules could think of.

"Don't you have anything to ask me?" He asked next.

"... What do want me to ask?"

"About my job? Or what I've been doing? Or... anything?"

"... How does it matter? You didn't come to see me, I thought you broke up with me because of what I said the last time... And honestly..." Her eyes deviation from his just for a moment for the first time. "... maybe that's for the best..."

They both took knifes to their hearts as she said those words. They still were looking at each other. While his face showed pain, her's was almost blank.

"... Wow... You really are tough..." He said as he ran his hand over his hair, letting out a faint sigh. She didn't anything to that but her slightly narrowed eyes were enough. He leaned on the left wall close to her bed and explained. "That day when I left, I didn't go straight home... I went to that club where we were celebrating in. There, I met that guy who spoke to you that day, Kevin.  He asked me why I was there. After everything, I thought I could trust him so I told him and he said that you always had a strong armor. It protects you, gives you courage and strength to stand against anything. But it also hides and almost suffocates your wounds." He came and sat by her left side, slowly taking her hand into his as he continued. "Please take that armor off... Allow me to tend to those wounds Jules.. Please let me stay by your side Jules..."

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