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This part contains:
Family member's death.

Things were going well and Jules was recovering quickly, both physically and mentally. She was 19 and had lived with Frank and Meranda two years. The siblings arranged home-schooling for her as going around could get people to recognize her still. While they themselves didn't have any problem with it, she did not want so. Originally, she wanted to leave town but given her condition, this was a better choice. And seeing as she never wanted anything else till that point and she had a  acceptable reason, they allowed it. Along with that, they also got a trusted lady for her to teach her martial art: Ivy. It was one of the few things Jules wanted, 'learn self defense'.

A gorgeously tall and strong woman with sharp eyes and long hair. Physical traits to impress anyone and general knowledge to challenge scholars. Martial art was something she learned since she was 4 and now at the age of 28, she could fight ten to one. And Ivy was a strict yet great teacher.

Jules did not know how Frank knew someone so good. He only said that she was a 'colleague of sorts'. Although they seemed to be more like friends. But she was greatful and trained earnestly. Very soon she showed her talent was in martial arts and trained even thoroughly and rigorously to be even better than Ivy.

But this comforting atmosphere did not last for long.

One day, a letter was received by Meranda.

"Aunty? What's in the letter?" asked Jules, seeing as Meranda had frozen reading it. But her voice had gone unheard.

Ivy was present and had taken the situation into her hands. She took the letter and led Meranda into her room, instructing Jules to not disturb them and bring some water, she would explain everything soon. Jules did as instructed, understanding the gravity of the situation.

Jules waited patiently as she thought of many disturbing things. Even though she did not know it, she almost knew what had happened. And they scared her, turning her blood cold. But despite that, she had to be strong. For Meranda and Ivy.

Minutes went to hours but Ivy hadn't come out of Meranda's room. Jules waited in her room, on bed, looking out the window.

When she came, Ivy was tightly gripping the letter. Jules looked with concern but seeing the sad face, she knew her worst thought had been realized.

Ivy was standing just past the door when Jules spoke up.

"He's dead, isn't he?" Tears running down silently. Ivy wasn't surprised only even more saddened. She came closer and handed her the letter.

'...It is with a heavy heart that we inform, Frank aka Ghost, is no longer with us... He gave himself in the service of his country, in the line of action...'

Jules set the letter aside carefully and cried. She didn't need explanation for 'line of action' at the moment as she knew that only meant a prideful demise.

Her parents had taught her never to feel sorry for a soldier's death because it is one of pride, it is  one that showed valour and courage. And tears over the act of ultimate sacrifice will demean it. One must feel pride and gratitude for the service. But still. It meant a life lost. It meant family left behind abruptly. It meant a hole created that cannot be filled. And that meant pain and so she cried.

Jules silently cried as she had seem Frank and Meranda as her parents. Getting a chance to live them felt like a blessing like no other. She had thought of staying with them as family. But she didn't expect fate to be this cruel as her father was taken yet again.

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