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Ghost and Dagger were standing behind the building, waiting for a time to enter. The others were around the building, waiting for their start signal. When the security seemed to thin to only 2, they ran for the door, easily slaughtering them. Boss, Bomb, Riot and Snipe started sweeping all the men outside as quickly and quietly they could. Dagger and Ghost had 10 minutes till Bomb and Riot to come in.

The ladies works fast as they crossed the passage to the back door and entered the main building. Total of 8 had fallen, without a scratch on them. Their priority was rescue the captives who were probably kept together in the basement. So they headed to the staircase, silently killing all on their path. Because the signal jammers were activated, no one could deliver any information. Ghost and Dagger always caught up to the ones who ran to deliver the message. It would not take long for everyone to figure that there are jammers so they had to work at top speed.

Both being trained in martial arts, usually worked solo, using knifes, throw spikes, kunies, stars and shurigun, seldom using guns in such situations. They moved fast, without wasting time in combat or fire exchanges and went for the neck every time. It was a stealth infiltration. Opponents didn't always have a chance to know that hit them. Neither had found anyone who could keep up with them and not get in their way. While Bomb and C did come close, Ghost wouldn't say it, but she'd always prefer if they were not with her. But these two complemented each other naturally. They could go in their top speed and the other kept up, cleaning their way.

Dagger was actually enjoying herself as she ran through the first floor to the basement. Another 6 had fallen like flies. Dagger could feel her adrenaline rushing so fast that she was confident that with  Ghost, they alone could sweep through the building without a problem. At that point, she understood why Ghost was so reputed and held high. Ghost was incredible and swift at what  she did without wavering at the sight or circumstance. Dagger held a smile on her face as they were about to go down the steps. That's when Ghost stopped her and slammed her to the wall.

She stood breathing slowly but deeply to calm her breath, looking down at the staircase. Ghost had been through cases like this many times. Although she was happy to have found someone who could keep up with her, she did not want Dagger to go through the same things as she did. And during her last kill, she had noticed the slight smile on Dagger's face.

While looking down still, she whispered to Dagger, "Take these few seconds to pray for the lives that we just took. Don't let the speed and adrenaline consume you. Dealing with filth, don't let it turn you ugly. Ever."

Dagger was taken aback. She had not noticed how sadistic her thinking was becoming. Nor the overconfidence that was brewing in her mind. Killing should not be enjoyable, no matter who is being killed and by whom. In cases like these, team support is always required. Not only to cover each other but also to ensure the safety of the hostages. Dagger stood ready for Ghost's signal, ashamed of the thoughts she was having. Dagger knew that the case was much too close to Jules and any one else but even so. To be alert of your partner's mindset and able to say things straight without hurting or insulting, that's what earned Jules all the respect.

7 minutes remaining to Bomb and Riot to come.

Ghost was waiting for the men from below to come up. From the little sound, she could make that that at least one of the captives were down there and someone was there with them. She could not say how many because trying to see could get them caught. She used her knife as mirror to try to see something and she could only see at least 3 figures in a  mostly empty basement. That was easy but the hostage in empty place made things complicated.

She wanted to wait a little longer but Dagger had left her to kill the approaching 2 men. Knowing staying would be troublesome, she thought of finding the other hostage first. But leaving one here would be risky, especially now that there was less time and it's only a matter of time for hell to break loose. Not to mention, it looks like Bonnie was in the basement. Which means-

She was still debating the situation when Dagger signed her: 'You stay. I'll go up to find another. A minute before the ambush, we take the hostages. Ok?'

Ghost immediately signed: 'No. You stay. I'll go.' Jules did not wait for a reply as she ran off. 'Sorry Dagger but I hane to do this.'.

Dagger was surprised but understood immediately. The other hostage was Sebastián.


Outside the building, only five were having a difficult time to keep things quiet as  reinforcements came, breaching through the police barrier. Two signal disrupters were damaged and remaining 3 could only barely cover the area, although with such load of signals, things were not looking very good.

Bomb, true to his name, pulled out a trick to blow cars in a chain reaction. Only problem was, this meant he could not go in, in time. So Boss took his place. And in this fight, Riot was injured so Snipe would go in as well. Pearl was physically fine and kept her cool as 10 minutes seemed like ages.


2 minutes remaining to Bomb and Riot (Boss and Snipe) to come.

Way to the third floor was on the other side of the basement door and Ghost was now moving slower than before because she did not have a partner. Although she was better this way, she did already miss Dagger's presence. It was much faster and less lonesome. 

As she moved to the upper floors, all the way to the third, 10 had fallen. There were a number of rooms on the third floor, with one long common passage. Searching them would take long and she was about to start when one of the doors opened. She was  quick enough to hide herself in the stair case. She could hear them talk and come towards her.

The person they were bringing was tied to a chair still as three men were carrying them.

"This is mad. I'm leaving after I take her down. That guy will get us killed." said one man.

"Right... I heard his a psychopath looking for revenge..." said another.

"Don't talk so loud. I think some assassins are in the building. I haven't seen some guys for some time now." said the third, ending their conversation just a little far from the staircase.

Ghost had to act swiftly as she killed the three men with ease.  She threw two stars at the head of one, followed just after the second star. The third man took his gun but she was faster to reach him and cut off head. Some blood was spilled over the captive, on Sebastian. He looked at her in horror, the woman was covered in blood. She emitted a strong smell of blood that made him sick. Her face had blood as well and her eyes were burning with rage to slaughter.

Did this person come to save him or kill him? And that face is... Was it really...?

The serious expression of Ghost's face softened at the sight of Sebastián. A low sigh of relief for the fact that he was alive. Oh how she wanted to embrace him but that did not happen as she head a footstep come up the stairs.

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