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Dagger, Bonnie and Snipe were first to come out of the building. Outside things were pretty much done as well. Police were taking the remaining into custody, multiple ambulances were there and leaving the site due to the number of injured people, a large number of body bags were ready due to the casualties. It took only took about 15 minutes of intense fighting for the mission to conclude.

After a little while Sebastián carrying the wounded unconscious Jules came out with Boss leading the way. She was immediately taken to the ambulance. Sebastián wanted to go along but he was stopped.

"I'm sorry Sir, we cannot allow a civilian to come with us." said one of the doctors.

Sebastián looked at the man with wide eyes as he took Jules on a stretcher and into the van. "No... I have to... Let me go with her!"

"Sorry sir, I cannot allow that. You are not with her." That felt like kinfe through his heart. He had no idea what to do or say next. He wasn't part of whatever she was and evidently, he was useless here. Defeated by his situation he looked at Jules's unconscious relaxed face, hoping for some miracle. And it happened.

"Let him go. I'll take care of it." said Boss as he came and placed a hand on Sebastian's shoulder. "There are more patients, we'll get there eventually." He let Sebastián into the van next to Jules as they were taken to the hospital.

Sebastian was grateful but all he wanted was for Jules to wake up. The entire ride he sat close to her feet praying, as the the doctors worked on her wounds. They also dressed his wounds which  he had completely forgotten about. At some point, a call was made to ensure there was A+ blood in the hospital. He's heart rate was increasing as the doctors worked on her.

It was almost day break when they reached the hospital. Dr. Dean was already there, preparing for the surgery he was hoping he didn't need to do. Seeing Jules like this again reminded him of the first time she was brought to him by Frank. He was just as nervous and scared as Sebastian was at the moment.

The doctors took over as Sebastian was helplessly waiting. He paced about the waiting room where there were very few people. After about half an hour, a woman came. He had not noticed her until she spoke to him.

"Jules is the strongest amongst us." She softly spoke from her seat, leaning her head on the wall and looking up. Her gaze was confident and certain. She knew he was now paying attention to her words. "She faced much worse situation. This is nothing." A small smile formed on her face. She looked straight at him as she assured him, "She will be just fine."

Sebastian didn't really care at this point as to who she was, all he wanted was the source of such confidence. He sat a couple of seats away and asked, "How do you know? The wound are.. fatal..." His head dropped as he ended.

"True but one time she took a bullet to her abdomen and due to close combat, she had inter bleedings. The risks were higher but she pulled through. Doctors told her to stay in bed for  month but she started light exercise on her third week." The lady spoke almost fondly about the memories, even though they were painful. She looked at the broken man and said, "Have faith on her stubborn self. She'll be up and running before you know it."

Some strength came to him with those last words, even though he was terrified by the experience shared.

'She's right. It's not like she was on her dying bed, just injured a little gravely.' He thought to himself.

"I'm sorry I didn't ask before, but who are you?"

"My name is Bonnie. I worked with Jules for 10 years. And that is all I can say."

Sebastian didn't question further, even though he had hundreds in his mind. To him none of those actually mattered at the moment. He was too worried to care about anything at all.

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