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3 days after Jules went to Raiders:

Sebastián returned home from office carrying files. Absence of Jules was hard on the man, especially since even though everyone expected him to know, he was absolutely clueless of where Jules was. The words spoken before she felt was  always in his mind which drove him crazy.

On the first day after she left, he realized that he had no way to contact her and because of his habit of frequently texting or calling her, he found staying unoccupied maddening. So he had brought his office at home. All only to avoid the painful thoughts of Jules.

When he stood in front of his door, he saw a parcel waiting for him. He took it and went in, secretly hoping it was from Jules. He kept the files on his table and went on to open the parcel.

In there were 5 pictures. Each had Jules wearing some expensive yet rather revealing dresses,  with makeup and well styled hair. It was a side he had never known of. But what shocked him most was the each was with 5 different men. In each of the pictures, Jules seemed to be rather close to the men. Along with that, each of the pictures were dated as well, showing that they were from some 6-8 years ago. Along with these pictures, there was a note:

"You think you know Jules? She lied and betrayed you. Even as you read this, she's probably looking for her next pray. Forget her. You deserve better, one who is clean. Something she can never be. Move on and live a good, better life.

A well wisher"

He read the note again, and as did so,   the only thing that came to his mind were Jules's words.

You might hear or see somethings that makes you question me but please know that I never lied to you... I'm sure you understand that I haven't told you the entire story but that doesn't mean I lied...

He needed to trust her. It was true that she had deep secrets. It was true that he didn't know her at all. But none of the rest was true. He didn't believe so.

'Not clean? Jules was not a piece of cloth. Lied and betrayed? When? That girl cried because she couldn't explain it. Some other guy? Jules is  probably one of the most difficult person to get close to. Her walls are high and hard. So if she's looking for someone, then it's his funeral. Move on for better life? Not possible.'

Thinking about it, he dismissed the pictures which he believed were made and the note which he completely rejected. Sebastián loved Jules. And there was nothing anyone could say to make him forget about her. And with everything that about this parcel, he only increased the faith and trust he had for Jules. After all, she did say that something like this may happen, something to make him question her.

With that, he left them in his drawer. He wanted to throw them but he thought he'd ask her about them ones she comes back. Not to know what she was doing in the pictures but to know who sent the pictures in the first place.


5 days after Jules came to Raiders:

Catherine was originally a software genius. At the age of 12, she could do complex programs and made some software for herself. That's how she was noticed by the government security. SDD was new and developing idea so they only contacted her when they needed something and kept a distant eye. She didn't care though, it wasn't like she was doing something illegal.

When she was 20, she join their intelligence after getting basic combat training. Her father was in force so it was easy and obvious for her to join. Seeing her brilliance, SDD took her and gave her a team which specialized in stealth operations, depending heavily on her work. Seeing as she was like a key stone to their function, they named her Pearl.

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