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Around 2 pm:

Sebastián had taken his leave for the day after he fed Jules lunch, telling her to rest after the exhausting day. He made sure she actually did so by waiting a little while till she fell asleep. After that, he was back at his apartment.

He straight went for a bath. He was absolutely exhausted from everything and just needed to get rid of all his load. It was a little around a week since his life had gone out of his hands. All this time he could only think of Jules.

At first, after getting those pictures of her, he thought of the people of her past and things she might have done. While he did not doubt her, he found himself thinking about the people she might have been involved with and to what ends. When he saw her with that man in that bar's restroom, his heart sank at the possibility of being lied to, that maybe she only used him and everyone else. The only thing that reassured him was her face. It was torn in pain and disgust while those eyes were ice cold. But when she saw him, those cold eyes were filled with warmth as the ice trickled down her cheeks, her face showing relief. It was  like her wish had just come true. And then that kiss. It was filled with so much pain and passion. This gave him some confidence in her but now he was worried, or rather terrified, about her current activities and whereabouts. And then he found himself at John's house.

When he came out to come back to his house, he was hit on his head and when he woke up, he was in a car. He didn't know anything about where he was or why was he abducted or by whom. He was given food and water only once a day and no one came to him at all. Even then, he could only think of it being somehow connected to Jules. It wasn't that he blamed her only that it was possible that seeing him with Jules the previous night when she was with that man, may have triggered this situation. In which case he should stay quite about her. But as it turned out, they didn't need any confirmation from him. Rather they were using him as hostage to get a hand on Jules. This almost terrified him, thinking of what sorts of things things Jules was involved with. Considering this, he found it obvious that she would be conversed about herself, maybe even lying about her memory loss to avoid any question all together. But he had to escape somehow because even though she could fight, it was unlikely the suddenly Jules would appear to save him.

But that's what happened. He had questioned her motives, her actions and her past, even though he knew he didn't know her well enough to do so. He doubted, even gave into the suspicion that she had only used him. When he saw her covered in blood, for a second he thought that it could be her twin or something. But he could not mistake her eyes, even though they were fixated and ice cold. He was in a daze just looking at her. She looked so dangerous with all those weapons yet so elegant with her ways of handling them. One thing was certain, Jules Kaur wasn't an ordinary school teacher. She had tons of secrets and her past is nothing simple.

The explosion was what brought him to focus and see that there a large piece of wood piercing through Jules's left thigh. At that instant her grip was so tight that it pushed every last ounce of breath out of him. He wanted to hold her, thinking it was their final moment. But he was wrong again. Jules rolled out of his grip the next moment and started shooting. A gentle soft school teacher, dealing with kids of the age of five killed two armed men. And then chopped off a man's leg, used him as a body shield and killed more and got shot herself.

After that, as she lost consciousness in the arms of some man, her allie, it felt like his life was being dragged out of him. That was the moment it hit him for the first time that regardless of everything about her, her past her present and future, he wanted her safety and well-being above all. Till that point, he wanted answers, he wanted to talk to her but  now, he only wanted her to be safe.

When she taken to the ambulance and then to hospital, she was surrounded by people who knew girl, worked with her, understood her. They had seen her over the years and had unwavering faith and confidence that she would be fine. Something he was lacking. She must have been through a lot for them to say that this situation was nothing very dangerous.

Another aspect that came was SDD. Going through their process and living a story gave him only glimpse of what her live probably was. A web of lies. A mirage. A play where Jules was the main  character and was never off stage. Of course it was like a burden. And even when she was on a hospital bed, fighting for her life, another play was being written for her future.

But all said, Jules was finally awake after 3 days and that brought Sebastián a new life. He was so relieved that he had started crying. It took some time and John's support to get things together and actually face her. Her exhausted yet lively face was like elixir of life to him. He didn't let it show but he was floating with relief. He had to ground himself by holding on to her like life depending on it. It didn't matter whether she lied or killed to hid secrets or what.

Jules was alive and well and that's all that mattered to him right now.

And after a long time, having a bath felt like he was washing away all his worries and stress as well. To him that was one long awaited bath he didn't want to get out off. But eventually he did. When he came out and was about to rest, he got a call.

"Hello, Mr. Brown. It's nice to hear from you. "

"Hello, Mr. Smith. Likewise. I got some good news sir."

"I really need those right now."

"Of course, sir. I'm deeply sorry for what you went through with your loved ones. I hope you recover soon and are healthy."

"Thank you, Mr. Brown. Now. Could you tell me the news please."

"Ah yes. Sir, your house is ready for you. When should I start the shifting process?"

He thought for sometime before answering. "You can start tomorrow. I only need my personal belongings to shift. Rest you can buy new."

"Alright. Then I'll get the furnitures and utilities now. I'll be at your apartment at around noon?"

"mmm... No. Come around 3 in noon, if that's alright. I have somethings to do before that so I'll be busy in the morning."

"Okay. I'll see you at 3 then."

"Yes. Thank you."

Sebastián was looking forward to this new flat of his but given everything, he had completely forgotten about it. And now he had to pack all his things to shift the next day. He still wanted to do this soon because he was hoping he could bring Jules to his new place soon. That's assuming she didn't go back with her friends... But this time he wasn't giving up without a fight.

With that determination, even with an exhausted mind, Sebastián left his rest  and started packing his things.

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