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Jules didn't know what to do. She was going through her morning like every other day but her mind was occupied. Why did Sebastián kiss her, even though it was just a peck... Why? Was it simple because he wanted to say thanks for bringing him food? Did he mean anything by it? But more than that, why did it feel good? Why was she so excited about it? A little peck should not be this big a deal! Then why...?

She came back from her morning jog, still consumed by these thoughts, when she got a text.

Good morning :)
[5:02 am]

'Like clock work' she thought to herself.

Good morning :D

Lucky me. I got u this early.

Hey since it's a holiday, I don't have
class today.... Wanna go for a coffee?
.... Or something...?

'Really?! This took you 2 minutes to write!! What are you? A school girl??' She scolded herself.

Normally, she would not have replied. She would have gone and bathed first because it was a thing for her to have her bath after coming home from her jog. A message like that would have been the most normal thing for a woman like her. But here she was, texting while still covered with sweat and anxiously waiting for a reply.

Sebastian was no different than her though. He had been texting her, first thing in the morning, for weeks. He wanted to develop their friendship to something more. And now finally, she was asking to meet. His mind was like that of a teenage boy who got to meet his crush. To him it was more like a date.

Okay. But how about we get breakfast?
I'll get u at around 9?

C u then! :D

It was ridiculous to both of them how the other can make them so child-like. They were 35+ and they behave like they are still teens.

But mind should always remain like a young kid!


It was almost 9 and Jules was waiting at her apartment. She wasn't the sort of person to dress up unless necessary. And even though her child mind told her to go all out, her reasoning took over. So she wore her usual clothes just a little better. Even though she wasn't going all out, she didn't want him to think that this was not important. Because it was to her. She had questions he needed to answer.

At 9 sharp, there was a knock on the door. They greeted each other and set out for their destination. The ride to the cafe was actually uncomfortably silent. Fortunately the ride was not long and they soon reached. They gave their orders and got themselves seated.

To break the awkwardness, Sebastian spoke first. "Listen. If you are feeling weird about yesterday, just forget about it." He wasn't keeping eye contact while speaking and Jules caught that. "You don't need to bother about it..."

"Why? Did it not mean anything?" She said. This made him look straight at her. He was never able to quite read her. She was like a book written in an ancient language. Even if one knows the current version of the language, one couldn't really read and understand the ancient one.

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