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The following part contains graphic description of:
Please read with caution.
In case it is a trigger for some, a basic point-wise summary is given in a later chapter.
Have a safe reading.

There were two men obliviously coming towards the shed. They stepped in, one behind the other when they saw that the girl was missing from her spot. That two seconds of delay was enough for the girl to swing a broken chair straight towards their head. She was hiding in the dark behind the door, and they had not seen it come so it caused the first man to get hit on his head and chest with full force. The chair broke to pieces on impact, leaving two pieces on her hand still. The other was more unscathed and was about to get to her. But she did not freeze rather counted on it.

She threw one of the broken pieces of wood towards the man's head and ran to the far end with the second piece in hand. The man followed her wildly. That was his mistake. She had seen a metal pipe there and, grabbing with both her hands, she swung aiming for his torso with every drop of strength. It hit the target right on his right arm. She had enough force behind it to break the man's arm. He shouted in pain but she didn't stop. She swung it again, this time over his shoulder to bring the man on his knees. It worked. With that blow she dislocated his left shoulder.

The other man was up and coming for her now. She took a few steps forward with blazing fire but still calm eyes. This terrified him enough. seeing as his companion had broken arms, he stopped in his tracks. Seeing this she mocked him with a stone cold voice, "What? Scared of a little girl? Good. You should be." She walked up to the now frozen man and swung the pipe to hit the man's right shoulder. Unfortunately, her aim was a little off and she hit his head breaking it beyond repair. The man collapsed to his death in spot, blood spilling out of his head. She looked down at him as his blood touched she feet. She didn't flinch. She simple bend down to rip his shirt off and walked to the over man.

She tore the shirt looking dead into the terrified man's eyes and used them to securely tie him up, including the mouth so he wouldn't shout and alert those who come next. She then stripped the man, searching for anything she could use as weapon. And she got a blade. She then walked to the place where she was tied and found some of her clothes, though they were torn. She then went to her mother's body and covered it with piece of her clothes. She then sat patiently for the next man to come, not caring that she was still naked.

Not like it mattered anymore. She was too cold to care.

The day was almost over when another three men were heard. These three were a little harder to deal with but she did. She used the chairs, tables, pipe and blade to break them and used their clothes to tie them up. She couldn't identify which cut and bruise was from the fight and which from before. But that didn't matter either. They had threatened to kill her. She did not paid attention to that as she tied them up. After tying them, she said with a devil's look and terrifyingly cheerful voice, "You killed me when you killed my parents. This bitch is the demon you made in the last two days. Now you gotta pay for playing with a demon."

It was later at night, and the girl was struggling to hold on to her sanity. She was close to her breaking point but she had to hold on till she had the other three. She kept saying that to herself. 'Just three more. They will come. Hold it. Just three more.' She was still aware of everything around her, adrenaline rushing through her still. She had kept the four behind her each with their own brokes/dislocated bones and cuts, and the dead man laid in the same spot. As did her mother's body. She focused at the door and waited in absolute silence.

The other three did not come so clueless. They had noticed that five of them were missing after they went to the shed. They had thought someone had arrived and helped their victims. So to make sure they had the upper hand, they looked around to see what was happening inside. But when they saw that it was just the girl who had killed one of them and captured four, they were taken aback. They decided to do a surprise attack on her.

But underestimating her senses in such a time was their mistake. She had heard their footsteps around the shed, regardless of how softly they walked. And thinking that they could beat a girl who lost everything, was their second mistake.

The sixth man went in, ready to meet with an assault but was greeted by the girl just standing in her spot. He walked at her cautiously with a knife in hand. She chuckled at the sight and said, "You are like you're walking in eggshells, how cute." When their distance was close enough for her, she swung her pipe with one hand but he dodged by coming closer. He went to jab the knife from the open side. She was counting on that. She grabbed his arm and using his momentum to slipping his leg so that he falls. She then quickly hit the arm with knife, with her pipe to release it. The man went to knock her down with his free hand but she didn't leave him much time, jabbing his knife through his neck. No one saw that coming, but she did it in cold blood.

The last two had expected him to hold her off longer as they would approach from her blind side. But things didn't go as they wanted. After finishing him, she already had her eyes fixed on the two who had entered. She dropped the pipe and taking out her other knife, she swiftly went low and straight for the next man with two knifes in hand. He was caught off balance. He tried to shake her off but one of the knifes was through his left upper leg causing him to fall screaming. She quickly got off him sliced off his right wrist, decapitating him entirely. This man didn't stand a chance.

The last man was so horrified that he peed his pants. He could not believe a little girl, who didn't have strength to even speak just a few hours ago, could take down 7 full grown armed men. He collapsed on his knees as she turned towards him with blood lust eyes and devil's grin. He wanted to run. He wanted to hide. He needed safety from the devil that approached him. This little girl who was so weak and helpless just last night, now looked like a blood thirsty demon. And she was loving this.

She loved the fear on his eyes. She was breathing heavily. Her head and heart was pounding. Her shoulder long hair was all over her face. Her body and face, covered with blood and filth. She finally had all eight in front of her, at her mercy. She could finally let her sanity go.

She came to this last trembling man and crouching in front of him she said, "Let's have some fun, shall we?"

She then went to the door and closed it. There was no lock. There was no need. There never was. No was coming here anyways and no one was leaving this hell hole .

She then made the unharmed man drag the six to the center and to make sure they didn't do anything funny, she jabbed through all their legs, enjoying their screams. She laughed as they cried, cursed, begged for mercy just as she did, just the previous night.

"You think you are so strong and manly, right?" She spoke wrapping her arms around the unharmed man's neck, keeping the knife close to cutting him, lest he tried something. But the man was barely standing. The men shock their heads, dreading as to the torture that was to come. "Of course you do! And it's all because of that dick of your. Isn't it?!" They shock their heads, fear in all their eyes. "ISN'T IT!? IT'S ALL BECAUSE YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG AND THAT EGO COMES FROM YOU DICK!!" Everyone was crying. She laughed and said, "Then let me help you get rid of the source of you ego!!"

With that, the knife that was close to the man's neck went straight through his groins. He let out a deafening scream while all others completely froze, tears racing down in absolute horror. As the man rolled on ground, she stepped on his shoulder and hit the same spot with her pipe, over his hands, with full force. The pain was unimaginable and she loved it. She had a deadly glare towards the tied men as she did this, telling them that the same fate awaited them.

And that's what happened. She bleed, tortured, mutilated each one in different ways. Crushed them completely and drowned herself in their screams. Till dawn when they all laid on their own pool of blood, dead and she was bathed in their blood.

The silence became deafening as she went out to realize it was morning. She dropped her weapons and walked with the last drop of adrenaline in her vains. She didn't have any strength or sanity left but she managed to get to the place where everything began. She found her father still lying there. She wanted to bury him and her mother. She wanted to mourn over their deaths. She wanted to mourn over her death. But she collapsed there.

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