Chapter 6

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Tomorrow came quicker then expected.

I walked into school, feeling gloomy.

People were looking at me and whispering to one another.

Things like "there goes the human", "did you hear? Jessica Boyd is human" and "serves her right, she was as bad as those snobby popular girls". And sometimes I wouldn't hear what they were saying, yet it was obvious they were talking about me, because they seemed to stop when I came nearby. But there would be times when I didn't.

I'd hear people calling out to me in the hallways, yelling out "human" and stuff. There were some who gave me sympathetic looks and others who simply tried to talk to me. I had someone, who I didn't know, approach me and apologize for her friends, who were apparently trying to get a rumor around that I threw a tantrum in the forest when I didn't shift. She simply said that "everyone will get bored soon and leave you alone.. I think they were just really expecting you to be a werewolf, that's all".

I muttered a thank you and she walked away.

Whilst switching classes, I went to my locker to grab a book I'd forgotten and found the words 'freak' and 'human' written all over my locker in black sharpie. I tried hastily to rub it off with my index finger, but it was ineffective. The writing must of been done a good ten minutes ago because it had managed to dry out.

I wanted to cry and run away now instead of tonight. I hated everyone. Except Will and Maddy, but neither had even talked to me since Friday. I couldn't understand why. I mean, it's me. I couldn't shift before and the only difference is that now I still can't.

I guess it also meant that I would never shift and run around the forest with them, wild and free. I'd never go hunting for rabbits, though of course I'd never actually hurt them, just find them and chase them. I'd never join the North Field Pack, the centre pack who took charge of missions and keeping rouges out. I guess I didn't realize until now that I actually really wanted to join the NFP. I wanted to fight for my town and to make sure everyone was safe. People in the NFP always said that it was like a second family. You could also live at Pack House, which always seemed to have room for everyone.

I guess I thought I could train up enough that I could join the pack, live at the pack house and continue to go to school, doing missions and stuff during the afternoon.

But now all that was gone. All of it. All my dreams and goals for my future as a werewolf had gone down the drain. Now I was just a human.

It's really hard for a human in the 'supernatural world' as most people call it. Sometimes humans have their mind erased, false memories implanted and they're pushed out of the boarder of supernatural and end up living out the rest of their lives in the human world, never knowing where they really belonged or who their family was.

I couldn't let this happen, because it always happen to the humans who were unlucky enough. Because for a human in this world, a simply toe out of line and you're out. And I knew for sure that half the humans who were kicked out didn't even do the crimes they were accused of, but instead were falsely accused because of those who wanted to make this world 'clean' or 'pure'. there was not really a trial, but more a guy who simply shrugs and says 'get her wiped and send her on her way'. Nobody cared for humans, never have and never will. It was on the occasion that there might be a small trial because the media might make a big deal out of it, but it always ended with the human getting his/her butt kicked somehow and them leaving the supernatural world with amnesia and a bag of the 'normal' human stuff. I didn't want to leave this world.

This is why I had to run away. Because if it so happen that someone decided they hated me enough they wanted to get rid of me forever, I was in trouble.

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