Chapter 5

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Hey guys :)

I haven't made many Author notes, but I'd just like to know; how are you enjoying the book? :) let me know through comments or show it through votes! Or maybe even both xD thanks for reading so far and I hope you continue to enjoy reading the book as much as I have writing it!



We got to the edge of the forest, the back of the main club house coming into view.

Everyone else had walked ahead, even Will.

I feel lost, wondering if they were angry at me or repulsed.

I CAN'T be human!

I can feel the wolf in me!

By now, you must be wondering where my dad is.

He died when I was seven, leaving Isabelle and I to take care of mum.

We don't ask why he died, even if we have a right to know.

Last time, I was dumb enough to ask, I didn't get an answer and mum went off food for days.

She would sit in her room and cry until Isabelle would call Alpha or Chris to come talk some sense into her when even Isabelle couldn't.

Mum is only part werewolf, her sense are still better then humans but not as good as werewolves.

It also takes her a lot more concentration to shift, because she has more human in her then wolf.

Maybe that's what happen, maybe I was lucky enough to get mums human side with a dash of the senses.

But I can't shift...


I sat in my room for a long time, staring at the wall and throwing a tennis ball at it.

I wasn't even thinking about much, just distracting myself from those thoughts of almost betrayal.

The door creaked open and I turned to see Chris walk in. He sat down on the bed and we sat in silence for a few minutes before he found his voice.

"hey" he said simply.

I said nothing, but continued to bounce the ball.

"look kid-" he began, but I cut him off.

"you don't need to say anything, Chris" i snapped "I know it makes you uncomfortable to talk to people like me"

"uncomfort- what? Where did this come from?" he almost yelled.

"a human" I yelled back.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, he was obviously fighting to contain his frustration. When he opened them he looked into my eyes and said softly, "Jess, whatever happens you're still my cousin. No matter what race you are, that will never, ever change".

I returned to throwing my ball at the wall, narrowly missing his head.

"you didn't come here to talk about my situation" I said shortly "what do you want?".

"I just wanted to see how you're doing" he shrugged.

There was an air that told me he wanted to say something else, but he turned and walked out instead.

I curled myself up into a ball on my bed and began to cry.


2 Days Later

"eat something sweetie" Mum said quietly to me, pushing my plate towards me.

I swear, push that plate anymore and I'll be wearing my dinner.

"I'm not hungry" I muttered, pushing it back to avoid starting a new trend.

Mum sighed and picked at her own food.

"is this about Friday? Because you know we love you no matter what" she explained, grasping my hand.

I yanked my hand away and glared at her.

"speak for yourself" I snapped, eyeing Isabelle.

Isabelle hadn't spoken to me unless asked a question, which she then returned with a short answer.

We were supposed to go to the movies as a family outing but she 'accidentally' crossed it off in her diary.

Maddy hadn't come to see me either, same with Will. Both claimed to be 'busy' with pack work all the time.

I felt rejected and alone, even mum hadn't been acting the same.

I spent most of my time in my room, drawing or staring at the wall.

I swear I'm going insane, but what can I do?

Standing up, I pushed my plate away and walked from the room.

"night" I called simply.


I packed few clothes, some essentials (toothbrush, hairbrush, bar of soap, sponge etc) and my pocket knife.

I would find food in the forest, or steal some from the vegetable patch they kept in the forest.

I knew that there were a lot of apple and orange trees scattered here and there, I could live off those for a while.

It was too risky to get food from the fridge anyway, mum knows what we have and what we don't have. When I was a little girl I took a lolly from the sweets jar and thought mum wouldn't notice because there was so much in there, she did notice.

I didn't plan on going forever, just until the noise died down or I found my peace of mind.

I decided to leave tomorrow night, mum and Isabelle were out doing wolf business tomorrow so I could sneak off and be gone before they got back.

The forest out the back of my house made an easy escape, there was already a hole in the fence where Will sometimes got through, I could fit through easily.

I pushed my backpack under my bed, along with an envelope containing a letter to my mum.

I wanted to save myself some time tomorrow, knowing that mum probably wouldn't come check on me until dinner time like usual.

She knew I liked the privacy, and the longer I had to escape, the better.

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