Chapter 30

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The door broke open and several people entered. It was Vix, a man I didn't know, Alex, a man carrying a plate and Scarlett.

I suddenly realized I was still on the floor.

I scrambled up and came face to face with Scarlett, who was smirking.

"eavesdropping are we?" she asked.

I stood there awkwardly.

Her smirk grew bigger.

"you must be hungry" she said. She gestured behind her and a man brought in a plate. On it was a few uneven slices of plain, stale white bread.

"not poisoned, if that's what your thinking" she sniggered "you eat it with your hands, that way we don't have to give you anything you can stab someone's eyes out with". She walked out. The man placed bread on the dust covered floor and took the plate away. He had obviously been thinking what I had. Break the plate and use the shards.

They all left, leaving me with the food.

I began to eat, inspecting each crumb carefully. Scarlett may have said 'not poisoned' but that didn't mean she was telling the truth. I guess I couldn't exactly trust her these days.

It felt great to have food in my stomach, even if it was covered in dust.

I finished the dusty food rather hungrily. It was very unsatisfying and dusty. It also tasted like it was a few days short of growing mold.

For the rest of the day (or night, who knows?) I paced back and forth, making the floorboards beneath my feet creak. With every step my irritation grew, until it was a fire inside me.

Then I started to get annoyed. I began beating the door with my fists.

"Answers!" I yelled, knowing they could hear me "I want Answers! Why am I here? Why are you doing this?!".

The door flew open so suddenly I stumbled back in surprise. I hit the floorboards and stared up at Scarlett.

"answers" she hissed "sit down in your chair"

"how do I know your not gonna cut me again?" I got up and stared back at her.

"SIT DOWN" she yelled. I sat.

More out of shock that she yelled so loudly at me. She'd always seemed like the quiet type.

She slammed the door and locked it.

"Why am I here?" I asked angrily.

"why are you here?" she snapped "because I want you here! Next question!"

"you didn't give me a good enough answer" I snapped back "WHY. AM. I. HERE?!?!?!".

The silence that came afterwards rang in my ears.

Scarlett gave me the deadliest glare ever.

It was her who broke the silence, though.

"do you know how valuable shifter blood is?" she asked.

I shook my head.

"there are hardly any left in the world" she smirked "so when I found you, I knew what I had to do. I knew I was lucky, that I'd never find another one of you, another opportunity. I had to gain your trust. Be your geeky little friend. I already knew Felix before this, ever since we were kids. Before my father died. But id been hiding out in East Field with my auntie, Father didn't want me to see the horrors of West Field until i was old enough" she paused "anyway, I planned to whisk you away the afternoon you came to comfort me"

She pretended to cry

"my mate is Zac Evergreen! Oh no!"

"Stupid" she suddenly hissed "Zac already has a mate! Felicity Torrace, a rather stupid young girl, like you. She weighs around the same too. Perfect match" she clapped her hands together "but you wouldn't know that would you? I was lucky, I guess, in a way. I knew you didn't follow the city gossip, you preferred the quiet life. The zero drama"

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