Chapter 22

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Hey guys :D

This is another one of my favorite chapters!

This chatter is also extra long :P

Hope you enjoy reading it just as much as I enjoyed writing it ^~^

I'm very grateful for all your support :3

Thanks again to all those who voted, commented and followed me :) and thanks to everyone reading

Enjoy ^~^



After what was a rather uneventful ride, I was glad to be somewhere new.

The rather large puff of exhaust fumes the bus left behind finally cleared, the beautiful city was revealed. Apartments and skyscrapers reached for the stars, people sitting on the balconies or staring out the glass windows. Some were tinted windows, probably for vampires.

"gets me every time" I smiled, staring around at the city "this place is just so big. I'm surprised mundane's don't notice anything!".

"human's can only get into the 'supernatural' border with a special charm" Felix explained "otherwise when they walk into the border, which makes this city invisible for human eyes, they simply appear at the other side of the boarder like nothing happen. There are plenty of other ways to repel human's, but most people prefer this one".

I looked around at everything, the station, the shops and the PEOPLE. They weren't just people, they were creatures! People with large ears or long tails, some with strange eyes and some covered in fur. Some had different colored skin altogether!

A few scaly green children were crowded in a corner looking at some box that seemed to be clockwork with at least twenty different hands like a clock sticking out in peculiar angles. The hands moved to certain points and a few children began to cheer while others groaned.

Two dainty girls walked down the street with leather handbags and high heels. Both of them had fluffy catlike ears and glowing eyes. Their skin had the pattern of a cat, but not the fur. They smiled at Felix as they went past, showing sharp white teeth.

Seven cloaked men with large pointed hats walked down the street in a huddle, whispering mysteriously. Two of them carrying overgrown, warty toads while others carried jars full of different colored liquids. One even held a head that kept looking around and blabbering stuff.

On the bank across the street were two large gargoyles perched on either side of the gate, on large stands. Gargoyles that were very much alive and chained to the gate. The gate was a magnificent glittering gold made of what looked like iron spirals. Except the spirals were like tentacles, moving all over the gate. A man approached the gate and it swung open instantly. The gargoyles leered at him from their posts but the man ignored them.

Restaurants dotted the streets, reading strange signs like 'Fried Porcupine Quills' or 'Pig Spine soup'. I couldn't understand why anyone would find these appealing, but several men with enormous mouths and rows of teeth were munching on what looked like a mushy red stew.

A child bumped past me, leading two goats (red and green) by a thick rope, at his heels. He turned around and yelled an apology at me over the noise of the city. I think it was an apology, but he said it in a strange language I couldn't understand.

"it's like you've never been here before" Felix pointed out grinning "you look like a hungry kid in a candy store".

I smiled "like I said, this place gets me every time. I've been here quite a few times but the unique-ness of this place seems to surprise me whenever I come".

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