Chapter 26

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My heart stopped in my chest.

For the second time today, I went into panic.

My sister was missing.

The world seemed to go into slow motion, even the brightest of the torches seemed to blur.

I heard Felix's voice, but he sounded distant and muffled.

For the first time that night, I saw my mothers tear streaked face as she spotted me from across the field and came running.

I did nothing, even when she pulled me into a tight hug and cried into my shoulder.

I could hear her voice too, it was closer then Felix's, but still sounded muffled and distant.

I heard loud sobs, before I realized they were my own.

Harsh reality crashed down upon me, my world seeming to fall to pieces.

So there were mum and I, hugging each other and crying.

I was the first to stop, my eyes had seemed to run out of tears, mum continued to cry hysterically.

I noticed Felix had seemed to vanish. I saw him again, over talking to the Alpha.

I basically handed mum to Charles, the nice guy who lives down the street. Mum didn't seem the least bit worried about this, she was too busy crying. I could hear him comforting her as I walked away and I knew she was in safe hands now.

I approached Felix who was talking rather seriously as I approached, hushing when I got close.

Kyle turned to me, his face more serious than ever.

"Jessica, we'd like to keep you in the Pack House for a few days" Kyle told me "Felix had just told me about your encounter with the rouge. We'll have people looking after you, Felix will be your guardian. I know I can count on him to take care of you. Just don't go anywhere alone, we can't have you going anywhere unprotected".

With that, he turned and shouted more orders at several wolves that were standing around.

"you-you didn't tell him" I asked Felix "did you?".

He shook his head.

"now is not the time" he explained "it's your secret to tell, you can tell him when you want but he's slightly busy right now. He was practically running away from me and probably would have said yes to anything just to hurry me up".

"then why to tell him now?" I asked, but realized just how stupid the words were when they came out of my mouth.

"he's busy, we can't add more to his plate" Felix explained "come on, lets go inside".

"what about mum?" I asked, glancing back at her.

"I think Kyle is getting Sophie to do it" Felix muttered.

"Sophie?" I raised an eyebrow.

"New pack member" Felix explained "transferred from South Field. She's a bit up herself. Her parents are extremely rich people. Hopefully this will shape her up a bit".

I nodded, not knowing why I found this important.


The pack house was actually cosy, considering I'd never been inside. The house on the outside is two story with an attic. It's made of wood with a tile roof.

There's a small veranda stretching all the way around with white rails.

In each room there seemed to be a small stone fireplace and at least two armchairs.

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